Chinese Province of Hainan Invites "Individuals" to Develop Uninhabited Islands in South China Sea


The southern province of Hainan, which administers the claimed islands and waters in the disputed South China Sea, allows individuals to use uninhabited islets for tourism and construction purposes for 50 years , reported the media. The document, revealed on Wednesday, states that "any entity or individual" who wishes to develop uninhabited islands may request and provide development plans to the provincial authorities of the oceans administration, according to the Department of Oceans and Fisheries of Hainan . The CGTN website reported on Friday.

The development would focus mainly on the uninhabited islands in the Paracel Range, which is home to hundreds of undeveloped islets. The Paracels, which are occupied by China, are also claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan, and is home to Woody Island, the nerve center and administrative post for most of China's strategic waterway operations.

According to the report, the time frame for developing uninhabited islands varies depending on the use. For aquaculture, they can be used for 15 years, tourism and recreational projects for 25 years, mining and salt industry projects for 30 years, public welfare projects for 40 years and the port and naval construction projects for 50 years.

He stated that the promoters will have to pay the government for the use of the islands, which would also benefit Beijing's goal of building a free trade area for economic development

" The development on the uninhabited islands will maintain the stability of southern China.According to the report quoted by Chen Xiangmiao, researcher at the National Institute of the South China Sea, based in Hainan, Sea and dispel the attempts of other countries to invade and occupy our territorial sovereignty,

a series of military outposts in the South China Sea, which includes vital sea lanes through which pass about 3 trillions of dollars in global trade each year.Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei have overlapping claims.

As part of what some experts say is an attempt to con Sure to consolidate de facto the South China Sea, three of the artificial islands of Beijing in the Spratly range South of the Paracels – the reefs Fiery Cross, Subi and Mischief – all have military aerodromes

In May, The Chinese Air Force landed bombers on Woody Island as part of a training exercise. Satellite images taken on May 12 showed that China had also deployed truck-mounted surface-to-air missiles or anti-ship cruise missiles at Woody, while anti-ship cruise missiles and anti-aircraft missiles were placed on its larger bases.

All these measures were taken despite the commitment made in 2015 by President Xi Jinping not to further militarize the islets.

Washington blamed Beijing for these maneuvers, fearing that the outposts could restrict free movement in the waterways. and conducted a number of so-called Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs) in the region, including one near several islets in the Paracels in May.

He also bombed bombers on training missions over the South China Sea. "Routine Mission" which was "in the vicinity of the South China Sea", according to the US Army.

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