CM: Indonesia holds prospects for e-wallet – BorneoPost Online | Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News


Abang Johari (third from left) performs a trick to mark the beginning of the JCI Malaysia Business Summit 2018. With him on stage are (from the right) Abdul Karim, Wong, Lim, Chew and Irene.

SIBU: Sarawak's Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi, Abang Johari Tun Openg, plans to explore the possibilities of expanding its mobile digital payment platform in Indonesia, according to Sarawak Pay [19659003] which will allow businesses to be conducted on a regional basis. At present, we (Sarawak) are working with Singapore, which has its own mobile payment method. Of course, they (Indonesians) received their payment "Go-Jek". Once we have this network, your business will be conducted on a regional basis, "said Abang Johari officiating at the Junior Chamber International (JCI) Business Summit in Malaysia, here 208.

He pointed out that a new way of doing business where there is no use of checks or credit cards to make the payment.

"Once you have an easy payment, it will help your cash flow because that the moment you sell your product "

" Even in a cafe, just a phone (mobile) and a QR code to fix everything. "

JCI Malaysia Business Summit 2018, which ends today, brings together some 200 delegates from Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia and Taiwan.

On the theme of "Rising Above Financial Turbulence "(RAFT), the event includes professio lecturers entrepreneurs and community leaders. President Kelvin Chew said delegates would be able to promote their business and expand their network by bringing back many contacts and ideas from the summit.

"This summit allows groups of young people like you from different countries to meet, share your business ideas, and offer a holistic experience at the top by addressing current issues and opportunities that affect the landscape. in the coming years, "said Mr. Chew.

Chairperson Irene Pet and JCI World President 2018 Marc Brian Lim also spoke at the event [19659003] Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, Minister of International Trade and Electronic Commerce The Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports, Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, and Sibu resident Charles Siaw were also present

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