Sweden thinks they can beat England in the quarter-finals of the World Cup.
SOTCHI: A more and more confident Sweden is considering the possibility of a World Cup quarterfinal match against England after beating Switzerland 1-0 at Tuesday's round of 16. [19659004LefootballanglaisestextrêmementpopulairedanslepaysscandinavemaislesSuédoisbienentraînésneserontpasintimidéslorsqu'ilsaffronterontuneéquipepleinedestarsdePremierLeaguequiontbattulaColombieauxtirsaubutaprèsunnul1-1mardisurlesLaplupartd'entreeuxontdurespectpournousetnousnoussentonsensécuritépeuimportequinousrencontrons"adéclarél'attaquantMarcusBergauxjournalistesenprévisiondeladernièrerencontreàSamarasamedi
L & # 39; winger Emil Forsberg A first place in the quarterfinals of the World Cup since 1994, indicates that the camp will continue to make the difficult task for all who will meet.
"We had nightmarish adversaries everywhere we went. hard to win. We believe in what we do and believe that we can do something good, and that we can achieve something fantastic, "he told reporters.
Swedes have always been a staunch opponent of the English Winner of the Scandinavians from 1968 to 2011, the English coach Gareth Southgate said they had underestimated them in the past.
After smothering the Swiss with their compact and defensive style, the Swedes will probably not change the tactics they have adopted far into the tournament, and the fact that England will be favorite will not bother them.
"I do not think their players want to meet us. We have shown time and time again that we are a team that no one wants to meet, a team that allows very little chance of goal, "said midfielder Gustav Svensson after Sweden's third clean sheet in four games. , I do not think any of them will want to meet us. "
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