Cristiano Ronaldo lights up Old Trafford with a cross, a smile and a selfie | Football


When the pitch invader sprinted on to the turf four minutes into the match, there was a sudden nervousness in the air. It is the condition of our times: how did he get there, where was security, why was he running so fast? The skinny man, dressed in jeans and a hoodie, beanie placed precariously on his head, was certainly going at a lick.

As he charged for the East Stand where players from both teams were congregated, stewards finally emerged. They cornered him in a pincer movement and one went for a rugby tackle. The man escaped it with a shimmy. Then, as he reached the penalty box, another tackle hit him, then a third. He was down, but still wriggling, his arm emerging plaintively from the heap. The crowd were watching on in silence, but Cristiano Ronaldo knew what was going on. He walked over to the intruder and touched his outstretched hand. Then the man finally relinquished the struggle; he had got what he wanted.

It was an odd moment and it was possible to feel a bit sorry for an adult so overcome at the possibility of meeting his idol. But at the same time, if you needed reminding of who was the biggest star of these two European club giants, and surely the most luminescent of those to have called Old Trafford home in the past 20 years, then it served that purpose too.

Ronaldo did here what he does, effect the game in order to achieve victory. His cross for Paulo Dybala’s decisive goal was not an assist (that accolade probably goes to Chris Smalling whose trailing heel deflected the ball back to the Argentinian). But it was sumptuous all the same; whipped with pace from the right at neck height, the longitudinal corridor of uncertainty. Each aspect of the delivery was on purpose, designed to cause maximum damage.

In terms of position, CR7 also played at No 9, 11, 10 and even on occasion 8. In a remarkably fluid formation that showed the faith Max Allegri has in his squad of mature, intelligent players, Ronaldo fitted right in. The canny operatives in the Old Lady’s defence can play these matches in their sleep. There also seemed to be clear signals that Ronaldo saw himself as a partner to Dybala, not his superior (something Gareth Bale was never quite able to say). But while Ronaldo may no longer be the leader, he is certainly willing and able to play his part.

He had some other highlight reel moments: a free-kick late in the first half that he put his laces through as in days of old, forcing David de Gea into an uncertain punched save. In the opening passages of the second half, he drew the very best out of the Spaniard with a piledriver of a shot. But the quieter moments in his performance were just as effective. In every action Ronaldo did the right thing, the intelligent thing. It was also often the thing that left Smalling looking foolish.

The crowd gave Ronaldo a warm welcome, though the cheers for him were not as loud as for any United player. The message was they would rather their team succeed than revel in nostalgia. Before we go any further it should be restated that Ronaldo continues to be the subject of an investigation into the alleged rape of Kathryn Mayorga in 2009. It is now the subject of a reopened inquiry by the Las Vegas police department, while Mayorga has also begun civil proceedings against Ronaldo.

The big cheesy smiles, on show in the tunnel and when in position for a close-up from one of the many cameras, were largely for the birds. They were as likely a pre-determined media strategy as they were any indication of his actual feelings. But on the pitch, in the heat of competition, there was no doubting his authenticity.

At the end of the match the Juventus players were trooping off the field, when two more pitch invaders arrived. This pair were a bit shorter than the earlier one and were more interested in selfies. They were just as keen to get to Ronaldo, though. Once again, the stewards interceded and again Ronaldo intervened, taking a phone from one of the young men and making sure they got their shot.

Once the troublemakers were deported, lo and behold, Ronaldo was the last man on the pitch. The Stretford End burst into Viva Ronaldo and their former idol applauded them back as he slowly walked off. He had received his serenade in the end.

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