Cristiano Ronaldo toilet paper exists, if that's your thing


  Poor Ronaldo ...
Poor Ronaldo …

Image: LightRocket via Getty Images

People just can not leave Cristiano Ronaldo's face alone.

There was first the nightmarish bust of Ronaldo 's face, unveiled last year in Portugal. Now, the football player's face has found a new home on a roll, or rather rolls of toilet paper.

In Naples, toilet paper with Ronaldo in his sports jersey was spotted on a street cart in the city. Look, I understand. He is a phenomenal player with an objectively beautiful face. But why would you put that face on something that humans use to erase them, forgive me my French, behind?

A possible explanation for this strange product is the recent inclusion of Ronaldo in the Italian football team Juventus. It is possible that Naples expresses his frustration in the best way possible – through body humor.

Some Twitter users go to the joke of the bathroom:

Some hardcore Ronaldo fans are here for that:

Although there are a lot of questions that come to mind, the most important is to know if this toilet paper is two …

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