Defenders of Asfia have asked to appeal to the Federal Court against the reinstatement of the representative of Pujut – BorneoPost Online | Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News


Datuk Amar Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar – Photo File

KUCHING: Advocates of the State Legislative Assembly (DUN), Datuk Amar Asfia Mohd Awang Nassar were instructed to appeal to the Federal Court against the recent decision of the Court of Appeal uphold the decision of the High Court to reinstate Dr. Ting Tiong Choon as deputy Pujut

Mohd Asfia said that if the recent ruling of the Court of The appeal should be upheld, the state assemblies and the Parliament would suffer crippling effects

"If the decision of the Parliament and the President of the House can be challenged in court, and the court has annulled the decision of the Parliament and the President of the House, then the Parliament and the Speaker of the House cease to function, "he said today in the august House.

Mohd Asfia felt that the provision of the Constitution should be interpreted in harmony with the other provisions of the Constitution. [TRADUCTION] "In light of these circumstances, it is inevitable that I will have to ask my lawyers to make an application for leave to appeal to the Federal Court," he added.

the Court of Appeal ruled that DUN had no jurisdiction to disqualify Dr. Ting when he acquired Australian citizenship, to which he subsequently resigned, prior to 39, to be elected at the elections of May 2016.

"Going back to determine a person's status prior to his election would amount to excessive scope on the part of the legislature's assembly." State, which, in my opinion, has no constitutional basis in the state. Judge Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim, who presided over a three-man court, said:

As a result, the appeals launched by Asfia, the second finance minister, Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh and DUN against the High Court ruling was dismissed, with no order as to costs

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