Defiant Iran vows to 'bypass' US sanctions


A handout picture provided by the Iranian presidency on November 5, 2018 shows Iran's President Hassan Rouhani attending a meeting in the capital Tehran (AFP pic)

Tehran: A defiant Iran said it will "proudly bypass" sanctions by the United States that took effect on Monday targeting the Islamic Republic's vital oil and financial sectors.

The measures described by Washington as "the toughest sanctions ever" come six months after US President Donald Trump's controversial decision to abandon the multi-nation nuclear deal with Tehran.

"I announce that we will proudly bypass your illegal, unjust sanctions because it's against international regulations," Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said in a televised speech.

"We are in a situation of economic war, confronting a bullying power. I do not think that in the history of America, someone has entered the White House who is so against law and international conventions, "he added.

In one of Tehran's bazaars, there was anxiety over the future.

"The shadow of the sanctions has already affected the economy in a disastrous way," said Ehsan Attar in his herbal remedy shop.

"The US is just like a bully, as long as you'll be left alone, otherwise it will try to suffocate you."

Trump has made Iran a foreign policy priority since taking office, accusing it of spreading terrorism and destabilizing the Middle East.

He detested the nuclear pact forged by his predecessor Barack Obama and five other world powers, finally deciding to abandon it in May.

Act on your commitments

Trump says he wants to deal with Iran's missile program and interventions around the Middle East – which has been flatly rejected by Tehran.

"Constantly they're sending us messages saying 'Let's sit and negotiate.' Negotiations for what?" Said Rouhani.

"First, you respect the negotiations we already concluded, so that there are grounds for the next negotiations."

Rouhani said this was one of the most recent years in New York for the United States.

"There is no need for mediation. There is no need for all these messages. Act on your commitments, and we will sit and talk, "he said.

The latest installment of US sanctions has to be cut Iran's oil exports – which has already fallen into the millions of barrels a day – and cut off its banks from international finance.

Although the US has given temporary exemptions to eight countries – including India, Japan and Turkey – to continue buying oil, it aims to push Iran's sales to zero.

"Watch what we do. "US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told CBS on Sunday.

Everything necessary

The other parties to the nuclear deal – Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia – have vehemently opposed the US move and vowed to keep alive the agreement, technically known to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

"US Russia's foreign ministry." "We will do everything in the interests of preserving and expanding international trade, economic and financial cooperation with Iran.

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted that "US bullying is backfiring, not just because JCPOA is important, but because the world can not afford Trump & Co. to destroy global order."

The only support for the US position has come from Iran's regional rivals, namely Saudi Arabia and Israel, with the latter saying sanctions were "the sea-change the Middle East has been waiting for."

But Iran's economy was already suffering from major structural problems – including widespread corruption, weak investment and a banking sector laden with toxic assets – before Trump walked out of the deal.

His move helps fuel a run on the country, the country is poor, and the country is poor.

Rouhani's plan has taken over in the past year, and has grown in the past year.

The US Treasury, and most international firms that set up in Iran after the 2015 deal have been forced to leave, including France's Total, Peugeot and Renault, and Germany's Siemens.

"Unfortunately, we have been treated appropriately by both the American and Iranian governments," said Fereshteh Safarnezhad, a 43-year-old teacher, on the streets of Tehran.

"The Americans never really committed to the deal and the Iranian government did not spend the money.

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