Donald Trump's visit places British addiction to Brexit in the spotlight – BorneoPost Online | Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News


Trump and First Lady Melania Trump greet guests at a picnic for military families in Washington, DC. – Photo AFP

LONDON: When Donald Trump will visit Britain next week, Prime Minister Theresa May will face a harsh reality: Brexit makes Britain more dependent than ever on an alliance with Britain. the most unpredictable American president. ] Between the NATO meeting and the summit with Russian Vladimir Putin, Trump's first visit to Britain arrives at one of the most important moments for Europe and the world. West since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

On the subject of the European Union (EU) and free trade to court the leader of the Kremlin and North Korea, Trump kept his promise of an unpredictable American foreign policy

leaving Trump at the White House. during his visit after his inauguration, in a difficult position as she seeks closer trade links with the United States to make up for the disruption leaving the EU on March 29, 2019.

"The irony is that by leaving the EU, the United Kingdom will be less useful in Washington as an ally, but it will also need the United States much more, "said Jeffrey A. Stacey, a former official of the State Department in the Obama administration

Stacey said: "More than 50,000 people have signed up for a protest on Trafalgar Square in central London against Trump's visit, which will include a meeting with Queen Elizabeth and maybe even a round of golf at her Turnberry course in Scotland.

Even taking into account Trump's penchant for doing business, the visit may be fraught with rhetoric about a "special relationship" increasingly unbalanced. the details of a post-Brexit trade deal

For supporters, Trump and Brexit offer the prospect of freeing themselves from what they view as outdated institutions and rules that have weakened the United States and its allies But for many British diplomats, the Brexit marks the collapse of a 70-year-old British strategy of trying to balance European integration with an American alliance based on sharing blood, commerce and intelligence.

"May's hasty diplomacy with Trump was stupid: what has she actually removed from the relationship up to now?" Said a European diplomat in London, under the guise of anonymity

"You Brits are leaving Europe wanting to jump into the arms of Donald Trump's America? And more importantly, do you have a choice?"

Trump's victory in the 2016 presidential election shocked British diplomats in Washington and relations between May, the daughter of a pastor, and Trump were sometimes tense.

The enduring picture of May's visit to the White House in January 2017, when she became the first foreign leader to meet the president after taking office, was Trump taking May's hand for the first time. help to walk down the steps of a colonnade of the White House. But all the good vibes of that moment quickly dissipated when Trump, the same day, announced his intention to ban migrants from seven Muslim-majority countries – a decision that provoked fierce international criticism and seemed to blind the May

. the parliament to protest against the decision to offer a full state visit to Trump in Britain, and 1.8 million people signed a petition saying that the invitation should be canceled because & He could embarrass the queen. 9659003] Trump has repeatedly thwarted British and European diplomatic overtures, withdrawing from multilateral agreements on climate change, human rights and a valuable deal to counter Iran's nuclear ambitions in exchange the lifting of sanctions. the ability to influence Trump, describing a strategy of manipulation that involves appealing to one's personal interest, to "plant the seed" of an idea and give it time to consider its merits.

But, many will rely on personal dynamics between Trump, the former reality TV star, who said last month that he was going to find out if an agreement could be reached with Kim Jong Un of Korea North, a career politician who prides herself on a careful decision-making.

"We are talking about Trump and Macron because it sounds interesting with some benefits.We are talking about Trump and Angela Merkel because it's" difficult "," said Leslie Vinjamuri, Program Manager American and American at Chatham House think tank

"Theresa May gets lost in all of this, she was neither strong nor weak, there seems to be no particular affection."

When & # 39; Asked if Trump was a "good friend" of Britain last month, May said, "The United States and the United Kingdom are good friends, President Trump and I are working together "

But a few hours after the end of the meeting, he tore up a joint statement on trade, equality and the environment that May and other G7 leaders had accepted late in the night

.This is the difficulty for May.

"When he will be here, he will give, I think when he gets away, he will quickly forget what he's doing, "Vinjamuri said. – Reuters

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