Eric Abidal's cousin denies receiving a payment from Barcelona for giving liver to a former defender of France


Toulouse, France : Eric Abidal's cousin said that he "was not taking a penny" from Barcelona, ​​following allegations that the club would have illegally bought a liver transplant for their former player.

prosecutors said they had requested the reopening of an investigation into the case

  File image of Eric Abidal. Reuters

Image of Eric Abidal's file. Reuters

The online newspaper El Confidencial had reported earlier this month that the wiretaps of a corruption investigation involving the then president, Sandro Rosell, indicated that the club could have illegally obtained the new liver. , received in April 2012 from Gerard Armand

But Armand was adamant about the fact that there was nothing wrong with it.

"Nothing, not a penny, how can I question myself?" I did not think of it, it was a good natural action that everyone would do to help a sick parent . [19] 19659002] The Spanish National Transplant Organization, headed by the Ministry of Health, investigated the Abidal transplant and said last week that it had been carried out. " According to the law "

Armand, who says that Abidal's father is a brother of his mother, said that he was approached by Abidal's wife after the discovery of the liver tumor in 2011.

He adds: "I work for the same company, I work at night, I drive a Peugeot 406 and to be very transparent, I even had financial worries settled with my wife and banker.

"I will answer all questions, I have nothing to hide, I just want to be left alone."

Rosell denied the report El Confidencial in an interview published by El Mundo .He must face money laundering charges in Abidal, 38, resumed his career one year after receiving the transplant before retiring in 2014 and is now director of football in Barcelona.

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