Facebook buys Israeli mail Redkix


Israel Redkix, whose product combines e-mail and team messaging, announced Thursday that it has agreed to be acquired by Facebook, where it will join the Workplace team to help businesses collaborate.

Facebook launched Workplace, its social service based on the subscription. platform for business, in 2016.

Redkix and Facebook have not disclosed the financial details. A source close to the transaction told Reuters that the value of the transaction was less than $ 100 million (about 685 million rupees).

More than 30,000 companies are using Workplace by Facebook to collaborate with their colleagues and A Facebook spokesperson said.

"Bringing people together is at the heart of Facebook," said Oudi and Roy Antebi, co-founders of Redkix, on a blog on the company's website. "Workplace brings this mission to businesses to make them more connected and productive."

Redkix, which raised $ 20 million from investors including Salesforce Ventures, has offices in California and Tel Aviv.

© Thomson Reuters 2018

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