Facebook hires French fact checkers, improper fact checks


An author for the conservative PJ Media news blog pushes back the new Facebook feature that verifies the facts for some articles uploaded to the social media platform

As part of the promise of the company to fight the false news and other abuses, several companies began to offer popular news analysis shared on the site.

A Facebook announcement in April indicated that additional external fact controllers would be used to supplement internal policies designed to deal with misinformation.

In addition to our own efforts, we are learning from academics, increasing our partnerships with third party auditors and talking to other organizations about how we can work together, "writes for Facebook [19659002] for Paula Bolyard of PJ Media. The involvement of external organizations has only exacerbated the problem.

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In a Long Publ This week she detailed her recent experience, claiming that a Canadian-based service had misunderstood that her article was misleading. She wrote that Facebook has significantly limited the scope of the article because of this designation.

According to Bolyard, the warning that she received from Facebook regarding the conclusion of the fact-finder [traduction] "underscores the fallibility" of the company's current policy. She expressed her concern that a Canadian-based "state-run" French press briefing was tasked with determining the accuracy of the content of the American news. Beyond that, however, his main complaint was that his article did not make the misleading allegations mentioned in the AFP Canada report used to discredit him.

"While some media did report (more or less) falsely that California had made it illegal to take a shower and do laundry on the same day, I did not make such claims" , she wrote. "In fact, having seen other reports make this assertion (by stretching the truth a bit, in my opinion) I have conscientiously avoided doing so."

Are you skeptical about Facebook's ability to check articles?

Other media probably deserved to be labeled as misleading their opinion on the issue, but they wrote that his report was relying on the facts and did not deserve to be bundled with these publishers

.The family's water intake concluded that the recently imposed 55-gallon limit on Californians " may force them to choose between taking a shower and doing laundry on the same day ", she wrote. "Nevertheless, Facebook, relying on the AFP article, apparently confused mine with those who stretch a little bit the truth, even though the article's article AFP never mentioned PJ Media. "

Bolyard continued to process claims point by point. She did not participate in the type of misleading journalism described in the AFP report.

She wrote that a Facebook communications officer provided additional details regarding the fact-checking process.

"We use different signals to predict Lauren Svensson said," This may be false or misleading. "The comments of disbelief (" not true it is real! ") Are a signal that helps us to inform our prediction, and one of the most valuable signals is the reaction of our community when people mark something like fake news. "

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The Facebook representative added that if "a fact checker believes that a story is wrong, we show it less in News Feed, which greatly reduces its distribution."

Facebook has dramatically reduced the distribution of our stories to our newsfeeds readers and is instead promoting traditional media sources. When you share with your friends, you greatly contribute to the dissemination of our content. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.

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