Famous brother aside, Randi Zuckerberg also has life lessons – EMTV Online


Facebook Marketing Director Randi Zuckerberg speaks at the 2009 Youth Engagement Summit in Putrajaya near Kuala Lumpur on November 17, 2009. REUTERS / Bazuki Muhammad (THE SOCIETY OF MALAYSIA TECH TECH)

NEW YORK (Reuters) – You've probably heard Zuckerberg's name. But what you may not know, is that the family has more than one media mogul around the holiday table.

Randi's 36-year-old sister Mark was on Facebook but left more than 10 years ago. She now writes books, produces TV shows, invests in start-ups and raises two children at the same time.

His list of things to do is the subject of his new book, "Pick Three," about how he does it without tearing his hair. Randi spoke with Reuters for the latest in our "Life Lessons" series.

Q: What was an early job that took you a lesson?

A: I was hostess and waitress at a restaurant, Central Cafe Square in Scarsdale, New York. To this day, it has completely changed the way I see someone in a service role. I always treat waiters and waitresses with respect, because I have been in these shoes. Everyone should have a job like that at some point in their life, because it gives you a lot of empathy.

Q: What is the best career advice you have received?

A: One said to me: "Randi, be careful that you become good. I did not understand what it meant at the time. I was an enthusiastic beaver right from the university, and if I was told to fax something, I wanted to be the best fax in the world. But the purpose of this advice was, if people see you as one thing, then it becomes very difficult to think of you as something else.

Q: As a woman, have you found the startup world particularly difficult?

A: We are still living in a world where it is harder for women to raise money. This is our unfortunate reality, which I would like to see change. I think a lot of people would have taken my ideas more seriously if I was not a woman, which was one of the reasons I 've called for a business partner. male business. Now I am doing a lot of investments in other women.

Q: Much of your effort has focused on entertainment – Why?

A: Entertainment is definitely the Wild West when it comes to media. There is so much content, in so many different forms, that it is difficult for people to discover something really good. My most recent show is Dot, a comic book about a technophile girl, in collaboration with the Jim Henson Company

Q: For your investment portfolio, what are you looking for in start-ups? up budding?

For me, everything is a question of nobody. I receive five or ten things each week. But all businesses change, and nothing is the same in five years. One thing that does not change, that is the person I support, is almost 100% of what I am looking for.

Q: What is the philosophy behind your new book?

A: I'm always wondering how I balance everything, being a mom and an entrepreneur. And honestly, I really do not do it. Life is a game of ruthless prioritization, and you can not have it every day. So, there are five categories – work, sleep, friends, family, fitness – choose three for a given day, and you can do them well. Do not waste your time feeling guilty about the other two. And tomorrow, choose three more

Q: How do you focus your charity efforts?

A: I'm passionate about the arts – I've always been in singing, drama, musicals. I even had the opportunity to play Broadway a few years ago, which was a bucket list.

Q: What lessons do you give to your two boys?

A: They are seven and three years old, so are just in survival mode right now. One of the reasons I love living in New York City is that you can go out and see all kinds of people, of all socio-economic status, speaking all languages. So I want my boys to experience empathy and kindness for everyone, that they see the problems of the world and that they are trying to make it a better place. I would consider this a success

(Published by Beth Pinsker and Dan Grebler)
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