Follow the law by legalizing illegal immigrants – Jeffrey – BorneoPost Online | Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News


Dr. Jeffrey (eighth on the left), Jainab (seventh on the left) and others express their protest against the legalization of illegal immigrants.

KOTA KINABALU: Tanah Airku Solidarity Party (STAR) President Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan urged yesterday He said the right way to legalize illegal immigrants should be to send them back to their country of origin and their issue the passport when they return with their document or passport. [19659003DrJeffreyadeclarecalibalizationofannon-citizeninSabahwasviolenceoflion

"We do not want another project IC number 2," he told the media at the peaceful governmental organization (NGO) gathering, Sorak Sabah to Lintasan Deasoka here yesterday

Some 300 people protested against the legalization of illegal immigrants in Sabah.

The Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Shafie Apdal announced The state government was planning to issue special documents to illegal foreign workers in Sabah to solve the shortage of labor, especially in the plantation sector.

Also present were former Minister of Community Development and Consumer Affairs, Datuk Jainab Ahmad Ayid and Sorak Sabah Jamain Sarudin

Dr. Jeffrey pointed out that most illegal immigrants came from one country who had claimed Malaysia.

"As long as this has not been solved, this document (issuing a document to illegal foreign workers) is dangerous because, by their numbers alone when they are here, they can claim that country like theirs. "

He said that the people would not oppose if the government followed the rule of law and enforced the law

. This is also why we want the rescue of Sabah IC, "he added.

Meanwhile, Jamain said the issuance of special documents violated the Immigration Act, which states that anyone who exceeded his visa would be considered an illegal immigrant.

He claimed that about 800,000 illegal immigrants would receive the document to enable them to work in Sabah.

"Why does the government want to to issue them a document? This action violated existing laws.

"Undocumented foreign workers and permits should be arrested, charged and returned to their country."

"They do not have the right to stay, work and earn a salary in Sabah, He was also against the proposal to allow foreign workers to bring their families here, as this would infringe the rights Sabahans and access to housing, infrastructure, health care and education.

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