From a member of a political party to homelessness


Last updated on July 27, 2018 at 04:40

Ravi Philemon of OC, Andrew Loh and a friend, Lisa Li, visited the homeless of Sembawang Park on December 30th. Here is the story of Mr. Sunny Murugaya that they met there.

He speaks with the air of a local leader who shows you around his constituency. The regular visitor signals to him. A young man, unsolicited, brings him a cup of water. This is Mr. Sunny Murugaya, 74, a former member of the Barisan Socialis party, also one of the many homeless people currently living in Sembawang Park.

"I'm fine," he tells you. "I am an old man, what about other families with children?"

They are the ones who worry him the most. He refuses the gift of biscuits and canned food, and sweeps to the people sitting in the little concrete huts, and to the rows of tents behind. "Give it to others, they have children."

He's depressed, he says, but you see a spirit more spirited than depression, while he's talking passionately about what the government should do it for the people there. "The government is rich! How can they grow here, grow there, donate to other countries, but do not have money to help these people?"

Building a building for these people, he says, they must stay in place, their children need to go to school without distraction, there are even pregnant women here! "How come they go to see the deputy, but useless, they still live here!"

He talks to you about his days of Barisan Socialis, when he helped Dr. Lee Siew Choh as coordinator , to recruit new members. He talks about J.B. Jeyaretnam asking him to join the Workers Party. "But I could not," he smiled. "JBJ and I were good friends, but we did not have the same goals – I was more anti-government than him."

But all that was in the past. Then he was married and working as a security guard 24 hours a day. Now he is separated from his wife and, half crippled from a stroke in March of this year, his job is gone. Yet he is able to make money by researching the Jurong factories looking for people who want apartments and then passing on their details to housing agents. You just have to make the effort, he says.

Later, he reveals that the social worker at the Changi General Hospital wanted to put him for free in an old house, but he refused. "I'm always active, I do not want to be attached, I want my freedom, I can take care of myself," he says. This is perhaps the reason why it constantly draws your attention to the other homeless families in Sembawang Park who do not even have such an offer. He tells you that many others are trying to get help, jobs and shelter, but to no avail.

"Tell the government what I suggested," he insists. "It's not political, it's just feedback, only basic human rights!"

It's almost 10 pm at Sembawang Park, the air is full with chatting friends celebrating the New Year with BBQ chicken wings, music, drinks Just next to the barbecue pits is a small concrete hut where Mr. Sunny puts out newspapers and sheets, getting ready in bed

With his own words

Let me ask you, how much money does the government have? $ 350 billion dollars. How can they grow here, grow there, but do not have money to help these people?

I give you a suggestion, go on the tell the government, why do not they build a building and these people stay there, 1 piece, temporary, does not matter. no money, they are depressed. Help them find a job. The government can donate to other countries. Why can not they afford to help their own people? Do not you think it's like a refugee camp? It is not political, it is only feedback, only basic human rights.

I never went to see the MP to ask for help. There are so many families here with children, some women are pregnant; they are going to see the member, but they are not using it – they are still living here. I am only an old man – why would they help me when they do not help families with children? They must stay in a suitable place, so that their children can go to school properly, without distractions. Why does the government not do that, do you tell me?

You know, my friends say that in Malaysia and Indonesia, when people can not pay, the government does not cut water. Here in Singapore, when you can not pay, the government cuts your water supply, maybe send a stop warrant, so if you still do not pay, you go to jail or the government can take back your apartment … this. Nowhere to go. What to do? Swim across the sea in Malaysia? Why? It's my country.

In fact, the last time I was at Barisan Socialis. Do you know Dr. Lee Siew Choh? I was with him. I was coordinator and I helped recruit new members. JBJ also asked me to join his party because he knew my abilities, but I said no. We were good friends, but I could not join his political party. We did not have the same goals; I am more anti-government

But all that was last time. I had a job as a security guard 24 hours a day, I was married. Now I am separated from my wife. In March of this year while I was at work. I took my shower at 2 in the morning and then I had a stroke and I fell down. I called my boss and I told him that I was taking a taxi to go to the hospital. In fact, at that time, I could not really move, but what to do, I had to go myself.

Now I can not move my right side. When I walk, I need to slide my leg with me. It's like when a glass is falling and cracking, you can try to replenish it, but it's not the same thing. When you're old, you can not be young anymore. When you are sick, you can no longer be 100%. So I can not work there anymore.

But CGH was very good. They waived the hospitalization costs for me. The social worker also wanted to put me in a retirement home, but I do not want to. I am always active. I do not want to be tied up.

Nowadays, I can still earn money when I find people who need an apartment, and I refer them to a housing agent. I'm just going to the factories in Jurong and ask around, or I ask the security guards. Just need to make the effort. I need to eat food, is not it?

Anyway, if you want to talk to me more, I can. I am usually here at 8 or 9 every night. You want to take a picture of me, too. I can deal with anyone, I'm not worried. But I hope I will not live so long … The sooner I die, the better

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