G7 calls on Russia to explain its role in MH17


The Group of Seven industrialized countries' foreign ministers called on Russia to "report on its role" in Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, killing 298 people, including 37 in Australia.

On Tuesday, four years have passed since the Boeing 777 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was washed away by a missile that was allegedly fired by Russian rebels in the east. Ukraine

. The anti-aircraft system used to shoot down the plane belonged to the Russian army

Australia and the Netherlands, whose citizens made up the largest number of passengers, accuse Russia of theft. be legally responsible and demand that Moscow recognize its role and cooperation. operate with investigators.

Russia denied any involvement in the disaster.

"In an international rules-based order, those responsible for unacceptable actions, such as shooting or launching BUK missiles of Russian origin, who intercepted and shot down a civilian aircraft, should be held responsible, "said the ministers in a joint statement.

" To this end, we call on Russia to engage immediately with Australia and the United States. " in good faith to explain and answer all relevant questions regarding any potential breach of international law. "

The G7 is composed of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, Great Britain and the United States. The anniversary of the disaster falls one day after the meeting of US President Donald Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. It is unclear whether Trump will raise the issue during the talks.

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