Galaxy Note 9 rendered leaking could be our first look at the final design of the phone – BGR


We are less than a month from the official unveiling of Samsung's Galaxy Note 9, but there may not be much left to reveal before the end of the August 9th event. On Tuesday, AndroidHeadlines shared what it claims to be the first official rendering of Samsung's next flagship phone, confirming countless reports that led us to believe that Note 9 would forego a complete overhaul and stick to a lot of design choices from Note 8.

AndroidHeadlines says that the picture was provided by a reliable source and is considered an official rendering that we will probably see in the marketing documents in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, there was no additional information such as specifications or even different views, so all we need to do is this front panel image.

Comparing this rendering to the front of the Galaxy Note 8, it is almost impossible to distinguish the two devices. We see the same Infinity screen edge to edge, as well as the same layout for the front camera, the iris scanner, the earpiece and the flash. As pointed out AndroidHeadlines there is an argument to argue that the glasses may have been slightly reduced, but it is hard to say without the hardware in hand.

Source of the & # 39; Image: AndroidHeadlines [19659005Mêmelesboutonsmatérielssurlescôtésdel'appareilsontinchangésmaiscelanedevraitpasêtreunesurprisepourquiconqueavulesdernièresrumeursetrapportsAucontrairenousnousattendonsàcequelesmisesàjourlesplusimportantesapparaissentaudosdutéléphoneaveclecapteurd'empreintesdigitalesattendupourpasseràunepositionpluscentralesouslescamérasEnfaitcelapourraitêtreleseulchangementimportantdeconceptionsurleGalaxyNote9[19659005] As for specifications and price, you can read more in our last report here, but we know exactly what Samsung us Reserve at his Unpacked event in New York on August 7th, where the unveiling will take place.

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