Guan Eng: Najib is aware of the final cost of LRT3 – Nation


KUALA LUMPUR: Former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is aware of the final cost of the LRT3 project, says Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng.

"They (the previous government) announced that the project would cost RM10bil, but many things were excluded. The total cost should be RM32bil instead of RM10bil. The former prime minister knows it," he said. he said at a special luncheon organized by the Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Malaysia. (ACCCIM) Friday, July 20th.

"We know that if the government wants to cancel the project, the problem of traffic congestion will become more serious and at the same time it will have to pay compensation," he added.

Lim later told reporters that Najib should answer the questions posed by Tony Pua, but did not elaborate on the subject.

Wednesday (July 18), Pua, the finance minister's special officer, urged Najib to "stop pretending innocence" the excessive cost of the LRT3 project.

Prasarana Malaysia had previously obtained a government guarantee for a RM10bil bond facility to finance the LRT3 project in 2015.

In March 2018, Prasarana requested an additional RM22bl of government guarantee to secure funding Najib had previously told Malaysiakini that the additional loans requested to finance the LRT3 project had not been approved.

Pua, in his statement, stated that Najib had "Lamentably failed" as finance minister.

"You certainly can not ignore that the RM9bil budget that you approved for the LRT3 was simply for the construction cost of the LRT?" It did not include, among other things, the acquisition of land. , PDP fees, other consultant fees, operational and overhead costs, as well as interest during construction, "he said.

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