"Hardcore Umno" image can turn around, says don


PKR will have a better chance of winning Sungai Kandis if Umno sticks to his old habits,

BN's choice for the Sungai Kandis by-election is Lokman Noor Adam, Council Member Supreme of Umno who was very vocal on racial and religious issues.

PETALING JAYA: The use of race and religion by Umno will only enhance PKR's chances of retaining Sungai Kandis headquarters in the by-elections next month, according to a political scientist. Said Faisal Hazis, associate professor at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

He stated that PKR had a better chance of victory, after holding Sungai Kandis for three terms, and with

He said that Umno seemed to stick to his "old habits" by introducing Supreme Council member Lokman Noor Adam, who was very vocal on racial and religious issues after Bari. San Nasional lost power on May 9.

"They are the focus of attention for the first time as an opposition party, and are contesting the first by-election after defeat in general elections." People will see if Umno is still going to their old culture or really have a new culture, "he said.

PKR introduced religious professor Mohd Zawawi Mughni, a new candidate, to Sungai Kandis, Selangor. Apart from Lokman, his other challenger is the independent candidate K Murthy.

Sungai Kandis became vacant after MP Shuhaimi Shafiei died of cancer earlier this month.

Lokman is committed to defending the people and Barisan Nasional on issues such as Malaysian rights and the national language, which he said have been undermined.

Faisal believed that PKR had a better chance in the by-election, having held siege for three terms and with the anti-Umno sentiment still strong after the 14th general election.

"During GE14, when Umno defended the Malays and Islam, people changed their support for Pakatan Harapan or NOT, which does not mean that the SAP supporters will campaign for Umno." Faisal says :

Umno's criticism of PH's failure to implement his manifesto promises could backfire since PH is still new to the government and still has a five-year mandate to prove that He is able,

NOT: We stay away from Sungai Kandis so that BN can win

the partial election of Sungai Kandis: Zawawi, the man in first line

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