Help improve your church | Community


Last week, we explored the need to develop a kaizen spirit to actively do things that help to improve our lives, our families, our churches, our workplaces, our neighborhoods and our world. We took an overview of the importance of developing a state of mind committed to constant improvement. Some might bristle at my use of a secular term as the main idea of ​​a column. However, this whole concept has a very deep Christian theological basis.

In Philippians 3, Paul tells us that the Christian must have a mindset to continually improve and become more and more like Jesus. In Phil. 3: 13-14 (ESV) we read: "Brothers, I do not consider myself to be mine, but one thing I do: to forget what lies behind and to move on to what lies ahead. continue toward the goal for the price of God's ascending call in Jesus Christ. "Paul here describes our Christian journey as a forward step beyond what we have already accomplished, and continue to strive to become like Jesus, it requires discipline (going forward), it implies a sacred improvement (the ascending call of God), and the process lasts all our life. spiritual, Christian and kaizen mentality, always sensitive to ways to become more like Jesus, to improve the quality of our lives and the service of God.

That being said, let's think about a type of mentality that would help build or improve the church we are part of. At the grassroots level, the church is the people (1 Corinthians 12:12, 14) So, there are very specific ways that you and I can improve our churches through personal improvement. The first way is to evaluate your church; you do not know what you have until you lose it. Appreciate what the church conveys to our souls, minds, values, civility and the quality of family life. Valorize the positive influences that churches bring to our cities and countryside and communicate with your children and grandchildren. Values ​​acquired in the church are not communicated anywhere else, so society needs the church, as well as every marriage and family.

Second, pray regularly for your church, its members, its vitality, and its effectiveness. Pray God bless him with life, health, efficiency and growth.

Third, commit to doing your part to impact people outside the church and to bring new people into the church. Sometimes the body of Christ becomes dilapidated and suffers from tired blood. A fresh blood transfusion often helps our physical body, and the infusion of new members also helps to improve the life of the church. Fourth, help people realize that they need Jesus and the church. How can you help people realize that they need Christ and the church? You can improve your own participation in the church. Commit yourself to make sure to be there regularly. Talk about the good things God does in your life that happen among the members of your church. Find opportunities to tell others why you love your Jesus and your church. When you talk to people, ask at some point where they are going to church, and if they are not going somewhere regularly, invite them to come with you next week. Explain the improvements and benefits you bring to your life when you go to church.

Finally, a very practical way to help improve your church is to be faithful in your gifts and to improve those gifts as much as possible. The churches are losing money every year because of inflation and higher costs. While salvation is the free gift of God, the church's running costs must be paid for with money.

How can we help improve our church? Each day, improve your cooperation with God by improving our own lives and improving the impact we make on Christ during the week. Become more active in the service of the Lord through the church and attend regularly

in the church. Tell others about the benefits you will get by attending the church and serving Christ. Bring people with you to discover God at work in your church. Support your church by assisting, volunteering, praying and financially supporting the ministries of the Church.

Christians must be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). Salt makes people thirsty for water, and Christ is the Living Water, which can quench spiritual thirst. What can you do to make people thirsty for Jesus?

Ed Jordan, award-winning columnist, is pastor of the Baptist Church of Gwynn's Island, Gwynn, VA. He can be contacted at [email protected].

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