How far can you go, Najib asked


PETALING JAYA: The DAP advisor, Lim Kit Siang, asked the deposed former prime minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, how far he can go to make a claim wild, false and unfounded.

How far can you go, saying that I equate Islam with kleptocracy, Lim asked Najib in a statement today: "Let all leaders Umno and NOT who claim that I compare Islam to clear kleptocracy, to identify so that the Malays can know their intellectual capacity and their moral failure, "said Lim.

" I can only doubt the Najib's intellectual caliber and even his level of education when a statement to declare that Islam should not be equated with corruption and kleptocracy is interpreted by Najib as a statement equating the Islam to corruption and kleptocracy. 19659002] MP Iskandar Puteri said that a student with ordinary mental and intellectual abilities would not make such a colossal mistake, but the former prime minister could make such a shocking mistake.

my life belittled Islam or one of the world's great religions, "said Lim.

" All major religions teach human beings to be good, to have the virtues and the passion for justice, freedom, benevolence and pity and to abhor corruption, kleptocracy, dishonesty, injustice and all vices. "If Najib could tell Malaysians whether the 1MDB scandal or Malaysia becoming a global kleptocracy is in accord with the great precepts of Islam or any other great religion in Malaysia.

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