If you are trying a gluten-free diet or not?


Healthy people may prefer a low gluten diet to combat discomfort or excess body weight.

Although following a strict gluten-free diet is a long-term necessity for allergy sufferers, nowadays many people choose a low gluten diet even though they are not allergic to the dietary substance. This trend has sparked public debate over whether gluten-free diets are recommended for people who do not suffer from allergies. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen, among others, have looked into the matter. The results were reported in Nature Communications.

In an intervention study of healthy Danish adults, an international team of scientists showed that a diet low in gluten but high in fiber altered the community of intestinal bacteria and decreased gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating and was associated with modest weight loss. Changes in intestinal comfort and body weight are related to changes in the composition and function of intestinal bacteria.

"We demonstrate that, compared to a gluten-rich diet, a diet low in gluten and high in fiber induces changes in the structure and functioning of the complex ecosystem of intestinal bacteria, reduces the expiration of It also led to an improvement in self-reported behaviors, and we observed modest weight loss, probably due to an increase in body burn caused by an alteration of the bacterial functions of the intestine. explained Professor Oluf Pedersen, principal investigator of the trial.


Changes in intestinal comfort and body weight are related to changes in the composition and function of intestinal bacteria.
Photo credit: iStock

Modification of the dietary fiber composition seems to be the cause.

The researchers undertook a randomized, cross-over trial of 60 healthy and healthy Danish adults, with two eight-week interventions comparing a low-gluten diet (2 g of gluten per day) and a diet rich in gluten (18 g of gluten per day). ), separated by a period of elimination of at least six weeks with a usual diet (12 g of gluten per day).

Both diets were balanced in number of calories and nutrients, including the same amount of dietary fiber. However, the fiber composition differed significantly between the two regimes.

Based on their observations regarding the modification of fermentation patterns of intestinal bacteria in foods, the researchers conclude that the effects of dieting with low gluten levels in healthy people may not be mainly due to reduced gluten consumption, but rather to a change in dietary fiber composition. Wheat and rye fibers and replace them with vegetable fiber, brown rice, corn, oats and quinoa. No basis for the change of diet recommendation at the moment.

A low-gluten diet has already been proposed to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome, disorders that affect up to 20% of the Western general population.

The present study suggests that even some healthy individuals might prefer a low gluten diet to combat intestinal discomfort or excess body weight.

"More long-term studies are needed before public health advice can be given to the general population, especially because dietary fiber – and not the absence of gluten alone – is the main cause of changes in intestinal discomfort and the body.We now think that our study is a reminder to the food industry.The gluten-free is not necessarily the healthy choice that many people think, "said Pedersen.

"Most gluten-free foods on the market today are massively depleted of dietary fiber and natural nutritional ingredients, so there is a clear need for the availability of fiber-free gluten-free food products. and of high nutritional quality.This type of initiative could prove essential to relieve gastro-intestinal discomfort and also help facilitate weight control in the general population via the modification gut microbiota, "he concluded.

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