It's not complicated, says Latheefa to Wan Azizah on child marriage


The PKR attorney who heads Liberty's advocacy group asserts that Kelantan's facts were well-established and recognized even by the author of the offense

PETALING JAYA: The President of PKR Latheefa Koya and Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Deputy Prime Minister, about the marriage of a 41-year-old man with an 11-year-old girl to Kelantan, claiming that all the facts were clear and established for the government to take action against child marriage

Latheefa, who heads the advocacy group for Lawyers for Freedom (LFL), said the facts of the case do not include were not disputed.

"The 41-year-old suspect has already confessed to wanting this child for seven years, trying to marry her and, most disgustingly, cohabiting with the child.

" Why Wan Azizah gives Does the excuse of "hearsay" when the facts are well established and admitted even by the perpetrator of the offense?

"In any case, the hearsay issue does not arise at all because the investigators had ample time to record the statements of all concerned, including the author She said in a harsh statement against Wan Azizah, "Wan Azizah told Dewan Rakyat yesterday that a thorough investigation was under way on the case."

She added that the question had been discussed with the House of Attorneys General (AGC), who stated that more evidence was needed

However, Latheefa said that there was no complexity in the case. case, as stated Wan Azizah

.a sexual grooming act occurred on this child.

"The above facts constitute a serious sexual grooming offense under the Sexual Offenses Act 2017.

"There is no reasonable excuse adding that the case had become Latheefa said that Wan Azizah should not "procrastinate and procrastinate in parliament and leave Malaysia."


" This is also not an acceptable answer for Wan Azizah to simply pass the ball to the AG. She herself as the responsible minister must explain the reasons why no lawsuit was filed because the Attorney General is not in Parliament to do it.

The marriage of Che Abdul Karim Che Abdul Hamid to Masaryu Mat Rashid a national controversy, with the parents of the girl giving their blessing to the union despite the condemnation by human rights groups .

Karim said that he would go ahead to formalize the marriage by asking for a marriage certificate after five years, when his "bride" turns 16, the legal minimum age for that. 39, a woman can get married under the Islamic laws of Malaysia.

Children's wedding: We need a waterproof case, says Wan Azizah

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