Jeffrey tries to make provocative and speculative attacks on the government's efforts to control illegal workers in Sabah – Loretto – BorneoPost Online | Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News


Loretto Padua Jr.

KOTA KINABALU: The Secretary General of the Warisan Sabah Party, Loretto Padua Jr., today criticized Tambunan National Assembly, Jeffrey Kitingan, for his continued criticism of the efforts of the Government of the State to find a permanent solution. "It is striving to make provocative and speculative attacks on the practical effort that the state government has made to control foreign workers in Sabah, but strangely, it does so with its new" While we know that he (Jeffrey) is desperately trying to confuse people by inventing absurd allegations because he can not explain why he chose to work with UMNO / BN, we will deliver one last time Jefrey so that he can better use his education.

"I reiterate that only systematic cataloging through t The issuance of the special pass can finally stop the influx of illegal immigrants into the state and regulate their number of illegal immigrants. as much as the data on those who work in our industry today, "he said in a statement released today

. Jeffrey's friends at BN / UMNO have never cared about the issue.

"I asked him why he could not even get a decent answer on what UMNO / BN did since 1994. At least Prime Minister Shafie Apdal's successive heads of government and BN / UMNO maintain the same position on the non-regulation of these illegal immigrants

"The special work work will allow us to track the movement of illegal immigrants in the state, the corruption involving illegal immigrants will be significantly reduced and we be in able to collect levies appropriately in addition to sending / repatriating those who are not qualified to receive special work permits because they are here unemployed.

"If there are illegal immigrants Without the work permit, we will deport them to the countries where they belong and that Jefrey's friends will not bother to do any other time than simple deportations for information purposes while hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants According to him, it is possible that Jeffrey is not able to understand the whole question of the regulation of illegal immigrant workers, because it does not It's not about giving citizenship, but about a work permit. "All this may be too hard for Jeffrey to understand as he has to explain to his supporters why he is with the UMNO / BN in his" cause "

" That's what a lot of Jeffrey felt unsuccessful, as a once trusted leader, to explain to his followers and instead, he took the opportunity to manipulate and create anger among the Sabahans by giving a mischievous impression and malicious. "Jeffrey, this regulates illegal workers and gives no citizenship," he continues.

"We must strike a balance between the economic development of the state and our sovereignty and security in the first place of all, cataloging these immigrants, if we can not find the balance , our plantation and construction sectors will collapse.

"But I guess Jeffrey can not understand that, so that's perhaps why the economy of Sabah malfunctioned in the early 90's. He (Jeffrey) was part of Yayasan Sabah's general manager, "he said.

Loretto also said that he finds it odd to see Jeffrey attacking Warisan on the question while he works hypocritically hand in hand with UMNO / BN

"He criticized the state government on this initiative but at the same time he sits happily with the leaders of the UMNO / BN who created all this mess in the first place as a govt ernment!

"If the issue the illegal immigrants are close to his heart, then he should not try to be the savior of UMNO / BN Sabah in the appearance of Kingmaker

" In fact, Jeffrey plays the same song (on this issue) that what Umno and NOT is about is the appointment of a Sri Richard Malanjum as the new chief justice of Malaysia.

"If the appointment is related to MA63 or not, like Sabahan, I believe that Jeffrey should be checked in front of a mirror and acted humbly by congratulating Tan Sri Richard instead of trying to to make a star with its ridiculous arguments

Who is Jeffrey to steal the spotlight away from Tan Sri Richard Malanjum? ", he concluded.

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