Ku Li: Stop letting the Umno rulers hold party funds


According to the veteran of Umno, donations must be collected and kept in the name of the holiday, not in a personal capacity.

Umno veteran, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, says that party funds should not be held in the name of an individual.

KUALA LUMPUR: Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, veteran of Umno, urged the party to halt its policy. Razaleigh, better known as Ku Li, said monetary policy was a serious problem that plagued the party.

"None of the members of Umno should collect donations or keep the funds received for the holiday." The MP for Gua Musang said today in the lobby of Parliament

This comes after some Funds rising to RM116.7 million were seized in raids on premises related to the former president of Umno Najib Razak

The money, which was kept in various currency, was part of the money and luxury goods that were seized in several properties related to the family of former Prime Minister Najib Razak.

The raids, which took place a week after the May 9 general election, was part of an investigation into the former 1MDB subsidiary, SRC International (SRC).

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) also froze the accounts of the Umno party in the investigation of the 1MDB

On July 11, Umno reportedly appointed lawyer Hariharan Tara Singh to recover most of the 116.7 million RM seized by the authorities

. A substantial portion of the money seized belonged to Umno and had no relationship with the case of 1MDB or SRC.

Umno asks for details on species seized during Najib raids

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