Malaysia mobilizes against illegal immigrants, Southeast Asia


KUANTAN • The Malaysian Immigration Department announced that it would step up its efforts to reunite illegal immigrants starting next month.

Mustafar Ali, director general of the department, said on Friday that more than 3,000 illegal immigrants had been arrested. The operation will start on August 31, he told reporters, and appealed for offenders to surrender before.

Employers who hire and harbor illegal foreign workers will also be detained, He said: "We have launched the Voluntary Assignment Program, which allows all illegal immigrants in the country to voluntarily return to their homeland. origin, "Mustafar told reporters

. go until August 30 before adopting a firmer approach.

Malaysia periodically carries out mass deportations of illegal migrants, the last round having taken place in July of last year.

There are about two million registered foreign workers in Malaysia, most of whom work in menial or service jobs in plantations, construction sites, restaurants, as well as office buildings and shopping centers.

According to reports, most foreign nationals in the country come from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Myanmar, including the Rohingya ethnic group.


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