Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir vows to repeal controversial security law


Malaysia will repeal a strict security law used to hold government criticism without charge under the former government, said Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, activists hailing the "bold" vow. the new leaders of the country to roll back the repressive legislation introduced by former prime minister Najib Razak, whose government was overthrown in the May elections.

Pro-democracy activists were among those arrested using the Law, or SOSMA, introduced in 2012 for the purported purpose of combating the security threats of extremists.

It allows suspects to be detained without charge for 28 days and incur long prison terms. 19659002] In a speech Sunday evening, Mahathir said that Najib used repressive laws to do "all he wanted" and promised to abolish SOSMA

"The people will now be protected by Equitable Laws It was quoted by the newspaper New Straits Times

Eric Paulsen, Legal Director of South East Asian Rights Group, Fortify Rights, "We demand that no one be detained without trial or victim of arbitrary arrest, "he said.

One of the most publicized characters of SOSMA was Maria Chin Abdullah, the former leader of "Bersih", a group that organized huge rallies against the government of Najib

She was arrested in 2016 on the eve of a protest and detained in solitary confinement 10 days She is now a deputy with the ruling alliance

Najib launched a crackdown against government critics after allegations emerged that he was at the center of the massive scandal related to the 1MDB state fund. He was arrested this month and has been charged with corruption.

During his first term as prime minister from 1981 to 2003, Mahathir also used repressive laws to target critics. More than 100 people, including activists and opposition activists, were arrested and detained without trial during a major crackdown in 1987.

While it removes the law on security, Mahathir also wants to ease the electoral laws. before the next elections, to be held in 2023.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, 25, said that the cabinet is planning to apply to the Attorney General's office. consider which laws need to be changed. The age of voting 21-year-olds from the age of 21 would add an additional 3.7 million voters, Saddiq said, increasing the number of registered voters by about 25 percent over in the May elections. According to Electoral Commission data, voters aged 21 to 39 represent about 40% of the Malaysian electorate, double the number of voters over 60 years old.

and, therefore, they can no longer be marginalized on the Malaysian political scene, "said Saddiq, the youngest minister in Malaysia.

High youth unemployment turned out to be a critical factor in the vote that overthrew Najib

. young people are concerned about two primary problems, "said Saddiq." The question is about bread and butter, the cost of living, affordable housing, good job opportunities, and quality of life. "[19659002] The second is to make their voices heard in the process of building the nation. "Young voters are the real kings of the elections – they are the ones who brought us to the government," said Saddiq. also a warning, they could also be the ones that take us out of government, because they are not loyal to any political party. "

Agence France-Presse, Bloomberg

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