Manafort live trial: The government begins to call witnesses in the trial of the president of the campaign of the former Trump


Paul Manafort, former president of President Trump's campaign, is tried by a federal court in Alexandria for charges of bank and tax fraud. Prosecutors allege that he failed to pay taxes on the millions of dollars that he paid for a Ukrainian-friendly political party in Russia, and then lied to get loans when the money was stopped entering.

in the 2016 US presidential election. We will have live coverage of the trial. Follow our updates here.


Tad Devine described to the jury how Paul Manafort's team brought US policy to Ukraine, including professional polls and the advertising, a team of attendants. and people to monitor the voting process itself. When Viktor Yanukovych won the race in February 2010, it's Devine who wrote his victory speech of the night

. Devine and Manafort exchanged congratulatory notes, with Devine offering particularly commendable comments on Manafort's work. Devine said that he told Manafort that he had brought "tremendous discipline" to Yanukovych's effort. He told the jury that campaigns often go bad when they leave the message. But thanks to Manafort, the Ukrainian campaign "delivered the message with an anesthetic repetition".

Devine testified that Manafort had explained to him where the money came from the campaign: the Ukrainian businessman Rinat Akhmetov

Devine said, explaining that his wealth it stood at billions and that he was the main supporter of the Party of Regions. Manafort, he says, knew Akhmetov well.

5:22 pm: "Paul was responsible": A witness describes how Gates responded to Manafort during work in Ukraine

Tad Devine described the operation of the campaign he became a party for Election 2009-2010. He said that he was impressed by the operation of Paul Manafort and that Manafort had good relations with his boss, the pro-Russian political candidate Viktor Yanukovych

"It was a very close relationship narrow, "said Devine. brought Yanukovich's campaign to produce television commercials and write speeches, among other activities. Devine had to be paid $ 500,000 and $ 100,000 if Yanukovych won the election, which he finally did. Devine testified that he was paid the full amount.

While working on the campaign, Devine met Richard Gates and other players around Manafort, including Konstantin Kilimnik, who worked as a translator. The special attorney said in court documents Kilimnik has links with the Russian secret services.

Devine said Manafort was clearly the boss in his relationship with his partner, Gates.

"Paul was in charge," said Devine. "Rick worked for Paul." This is important because Manafort's defense attorneys have sought to blame Gates for what prosecutors say to be shenanigans led by Manafort

Devine says Manafort has hired a series of charges. other US consultants. including pollster Tony Fabrizio, who also worked on Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

17:04: Devine describes how he came to work with Manafort in Ukraine

Tad Devine, who was Bernie Sanders' chief strategist in the 2016 elections, explained to the jurors how he came to work with Paul Manafort in Ukraine. He said his partner, Mike Donilon, was contacted in 2005 by Manafort partner Richard Gates about his work for the Party of Regions, a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine [19659017] Devine said he had worked nine countries, and at the time was coming from an international campaign. Donin, says Devine, was busy with a domestic project, so Devine took the lead and went to Kiev

"Even though I do not know about culture or other things in a country, I'm very familiar with campaigns. "Devine said he's specialized in TV commercials.

Devine said that he worked in Ukraine from 2005 to 2010 and that he returned briefly for a project in 2014. "It was an incredible operation," he said. . Manafort had hired some great people, he said, and had "substantial resources … I was really impressed by him."

On the importance of financial support, he said: "If you do not have a lot of resources, how do you win?"

Devine said she learned by talking to people on her first trip that there had been "a lot of controversy" in Ukraine, including a revolution that forced Viktor Yanukovich, who was part of the Party of Regions, of power

But he said that people "thought that Yanukovych had evolved and lost many people with him" that were controversial, that it was "a new election and a new era. "Yanukovich's position was weak," said Devine.

Yanukovych became "a part of the future" – he was elected prime minister in 2006 – because of "the excellent campaign that Paul led," said Devine

. Devine described his relationship with Manafort as "friendly" and said he has submitted numerous documents earlier this year in response to a summons. Devine's testimony is important because it is the work in Ukraine that prosecutors say to fund the lavish lifestyle of Manafort. They say that Manafort has not correctly reported or paid taxes what it has earned overseas, and when Yanukovych was forced to power, Manafort's money flow was cut off, in provoking some of his subsequent bank fraud

witness: former adviser to Bernie Sanders Tad Devine

The government called its first witness: Tad Devine, l & # 39; architect of the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. Devine also worked closely with Paul Manafort as a political consultant in Ukraine, a striking demonstration of how American political consultants from across the spectrum are bringing their expertise to the world, where they earn a lot of money. money to advise foreign candidates. What Manafort did during his years in Ukraine

4:24 pm: The defense ends the opening statement

Zehnle returns to Gates in the last part of his statement of Opening, highlighting many of the same themes that he had already tried to pass on to jurors. Manafort shifted his trust in Gates, said Zehnle, and Manafort's partner essentially cheated Manafort, who was busy conducting political campaigns and consulting work in Ukraine.

Gates was supposed to follow the money circulating Zehnle said: "Rick Gates kept his name on the Cypriot account to be able to control the money," Zehnle said. 19659037] Zehnle said that prosecutors would try to defend their case by trotting the luxurious lifestyle that Manafort's work had offered him, but that was not proof that a crime had actually occurred. "He said that his client lived a life" which most people could only dream of, "Zehnle added:

Zehnle implored the jury not to dazzle by costly custom-made suits, Range Rovers, tickets of sport and other luxury items, saying that they looked like them before He then returned one last time to Gates

"The money arrives quickly, and c & rsquo; Was a lot, "said Zehnle." Paul Manafort was confident that Rick Gates was following through. "

Zehnle said that Manafort was open with the banks to find out why he was looking for loans. that prosecutors have said about Manafort falsifying information, Zehnle said the banks had finally received all the documentation requested before granting the loans

4:11 pm: The defense accuses Gates of diversion of Manafort

on the subject of Richard Gates taken, saying that the protégé and Manafort's partner had reached an agreement to lie on Manafort's actions to hide his own misdeeds. Zehnle says that Gates even lied to federal investigators in the process of negotiating his plea agreement.

Notably, Zehnle also accused Gates for the first time of embezzling millions of dollars of Manafort's business and working to hide the income. "Rick Gates had his hand in the cookie jar and he could not risk his boss finding out," Zehnle said.

Other people involved in Manafort's finances – accountants and accountants – were not talking to each other as they should have, Zehnle said, because Gates prevented them from doing so.

A Gates lawyer did not return messages seeking comment.

Zehnle said government witnesses would back Manafort's account. Amanda Metzler, for example, was Manafort's internal accountant and gave information to their tax accountants. "She knew about offshore companies, none of which was hidden from her," said Zehnle, "He was open and transparent."

Zehnle said the company was composed of "a very small staff generating large revenues "and that the finances were" complicated. "He said that Gates was dealing with" income, expenses, loans and "

The firm reported revenues of $ 92 million from 2005 to 2015, has said Mr. Zehnle, and Mr. Manafort alone declared $ 30 million during this period.

The defense says that Manafort has never deliberately cheated on the IRS

Defense attorney Thomas Zehnle has stated that Paul Manfort's unusual financial arrangements, including bank accounts in Cyprus, came from the Ukrainian people who financed the work of Manafort. Zehnle stated that Manafort never deliberately cheated the IRS on his earnings, but that he did not realize that he had to fill out certain forms and make certain statements

"This n & n It's not a case where someone stole from Switzerland and hid money in an account, "Zehnle said.

Zehnle said that four years ago, Manafort deliberately met with FBI agents who were investigating the abuse of funds in Ukraine. He said that the real reason the special advocate was pursuing the case was because of the former partner of Manafort.

"We are mainly here because of a man: Rick Gates," Zehnle

15:53: Manafort reveals the defense: Blame Richard Gates

For months we have heard parts of the Government case against Paul Manafort. Now we know his defense: Blame Richard Gates, his former associate and deputy.

"This case concerns taxes and trust," said defense lawyer Thomas Zehnle before the jury. "Mr. Manafort put his trust in the wrong person … Rick Gates."

Gates, Zehnle noted, has already pleaded guilty to lying to the US government, but prosecutors are now telling a jury to believe his testimony.

two sides to each story; Zehnle sought to humanize Manafort, asking him to stand up and saying that he was "proud" to represent him.

He said that Manafort was a "talented political consultant" and second-generation immigrant and the first of his family to go to university. He has been "at the top of American politics for forty years," said Zehnle, and "driving force in the candidacy of several US presidents."

For this, he said: "Paul Manafort has rendered a valuable service to our system of government."

At that time, Judge TS Ellis III interrupted Zehnle while he had Assistant US Attorney Uzo Asonye, ​​asking him: "I guess you have the intention to offer evidence?" Ellis told the defense attorney to stick to what would be shown.

This work was not partisan, said Zehnle, pointing out that Tad Devine, a former strategist for Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Will also testify to working in Ukraine

The work of Manafort for Yanukovych was to "bring the country closer to Western democracies after decades of Soviet rule" – to the European Union and away from Russia, said Zehnle.

15:47: The prosecution ends its opening statement

US Attorney General Uzo Asonye noted that the defense team of Paul Manafort could attempt to d & # 39; attack the credibility of key witnesses, including his ex-business partner Richard Gates, who served as vice president of the Trump campaign. But Asonye noted that these witnesses are the people with whom Manafort chose to surround him.

To conclude, Asonye introduced other members of the Special Advisor team. At the end of the trial, he said, they will ask the jury to send a message to Paul Manafort: "To clarify that it is not above the laws, that the rules Apply to him. "

Manafort's lawyer began

3:45 pm: "He created money from scratch": What prosecutors say about Manafort when his Ukrainian benefactor is fallen from power

US assistant Uzo Asonye said that Paul Manafort was misleading tax preparer, but an accountant too. Manafort has hidden millions of dollars in the accounts and transactions of the accountant to keep his financial transactions under wraps, said Asonye. He said that part of Manafort's wealth remains hidden and untaxed to this day.

Manafort also created dummy loans from offshore accounts, Asonye said. Loans totaled millions of dollars and many came from accounts in Cyprus. Asonye said Manafort has never made a single loan payment on these loans. In all, between 2010 and 2014, Manafort failed to report $ 15 million in revenue to the IRS, Asonye said.

In 2014, Asonye said that Manafort's "cash tap" was rumored by the Ukrainian candidate Viktor Yanukovych. pay Manafort for political work, fled this country to Russia. Asonye said that Yanukovych had been "golden goose" of Manafort.

Manafort then turned his attention to falsified records to obtain loans from various banks. Asonye said Manafort made a false statement of his income and hid his debt in order to get the banks to approve the loans. In fact, the Manafort company has declared no profit in 2016.

"He created cash," Asonye said.

Asonye testified that Manafort actively participated in his financial fraud, paying particular attention to Asonye's filing:

15:33: A $ 15,000 jacket "made of an ostrich" [19659071] US Attorney's Assistant Uzo Asonye offered new figures and new details on Paul Manafort's income and expenses, claiming that the $ 60 million he made in Ukraine were that between 2010 and 2014. He had thirty bank accounts in three foreign countries, explained Asonye, ​​paid by Ukrainian oligarchs.

Manafort signed documents and wrote e-mails clearly stating that he controlled these accounts, said Asonye, ​​and used them for "purely personal" expenses. He said that Manafort paid his tax accountants $ 10,000 a year. He declared that his income was wrong.

"All this was deliberate," said Asonye. "Paul Manafort knew the law."

But the most unique new detail he offered was about Manafort's expenses, explaining how the lobbyist had spent so much on men's fashion. He had a $ 15,000 jacket, said Asonye, ​​"made from an ostrich."

15:22: Judge Urges Attorney to Stick to Evidence in Statement

Twice that the US Attorney's Assistant Uzo Asonye began, he was reprimanded by Judge TS Ellis III should not argue in his opening statement, but rather explain to the jury only what that the evidence will show.

At one point, Asonye avoided Manafort's costly spending habits, Ellis jumped in the head, "It is …" He asked the prosecutor to stick to evidence of Criminal Wrongdoing

but Asonye quickly placed himself under his command and began to expose to the jury what he said the evidence will show in the case of Paul Manafort

The Evidence Asonye says, will show that Manafort has earned millions and millions, but has not used that money to do "what Americans do every year – pay the taxes it owed." He said Manafort Revenue Service about what he owed, then lied about it had foreign bank accounts and finally lied to the banks to obtain loans when his consulting revenues in Ukraine dried up, from 2015. Asonye said that all the charges in the case boil down to simple problem: P a Manafort ul lied. "

15h08:" He got what he wanted ": Beginning of opening statements at the trial of Manafort

Assistant US Attorney Uzo Asonye has started making statements around 3 pm highlighting what he described as the extravagance and indifference of Paul Manafort to the law.

"A man in this courtroom believed that the law did not apply to him," Asonye said. Without using the name of Manafort, Asonye said the former president of the Trump campaign had "raised more than $ 60 million" and used "front companies and foreign bank accounts, hiding it from US authorities and funding He listed the properties of Manafort, which he said included "a $ 2 million house just outside this courtroom in northern Virginia."

"He got all that he wanted, "adds Asonye 14:29: Who's who at the trial

At present, most people know the man at the time : Paul Manafort, who served as President of the May President Trump's campaign Trump seemed to be an effort to plunge back into this scene. He helped Gerald Ford win the Republican nomination for the presidency in 1976, and then worked as an adviser to the convention in Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign. He led the congress operations for GOP presidential candidate Robert J. Dole in the mid-1990s.

At the Manafort trial, however, many others will take on leading roles. Here are some of the main actors in the drama of the courtroom, and if you are interested in a more complete list, you can find here

Judge TS Ellis III presides over the naturalization ceremony at National Cemetery of Canada. # 39; Arlington. Staff. (Tracy A. Woodward / The Washington Post)

Judge T.S. Ellis III – Ellis is the federal judge in the eastern district of Virginia presiding over the Manafort case. Named by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, Ellis is no stranger to high-profile cases. He oversaw the advocacy and condemnation of John Walker Lindh, a sympathizer of the US Taliban, as well as a case involving government secrets leaked to a pro-Israel lobby group and an Israeli official. He is well known at the Alexandria courthouse for telling colorful personal stories on the bench and asking thorough questions to all who appear before him.

Richard Gates – Gates is the former partner of Manafort. go to trial himself pleading guilty to conspiracy and lying to the FBI. He will be one of the star witnesses of prosecutors because he was at the center of much of what prosecutors say is the fraudulent conduct of Manafort

Viktor Yanukovych – Yanukovych is the candidate pro-Russian policy in Ukraine for which Manafort worked. and makes tens of millions of dollars. Konstantin Kilimnik – Kilimnik ran the Manafort office in Kiev, Ukraine, during the 10 years that Manafort worked as a consultant. He also served in the Russian army and learned English in a military school that some experts consider a training ground for Russian spies. Prosecutors say that he has links with Russian secret services, according to court documents, which Kilimnik denied. His name appears on many e-mails prosecutors hope to show at the trial detailing the work of Manafort in Ukraine from 2005 to 2014.

Tad Devine – Devine is a Democratic strategist who worked with Manafort on rehabilitation and Election of Yanukovych in 2010. He should testify against in the course of prosecutions brought by the prosecutors against Manafort

2:18 pm: How the jurors were chosen

The six men and six women who will decide if Former President of Trump's Campaign is Guilty of Several The crimes were selected from about 60 prospective jurors from northern Virginia who appeared in court on Tuesday. The group was part of a larger group of prospective jurors who had answered written questions regarding their knowledge of the case and their ability to put aside that knowledge. Judge T.S. Ellis III had already rejected more than three dozen people because they had competing obligations or indicated that they could not be impartial.

the knowledge and possible opinions of jurors on the case, as well as any personal experience likely to color their thinking. One of the first indications of the composition of the jury came when Ellis asked the group if anyone knew anybody from the Department of Justice or had any business with the department. Nine hands rose.

"Oh, my God," joked the judge at one point. "I will not ask this question again."

The jurors who raised their hands explained in turn their relationship with the Department of Justice. It is not surprising for Northern Virginia, many said that they were working in government or had connections with it. A woman worked in the civil section of the department for two years. Another man told the judge that he was an employee of the Ministry of Energy who had dealings with lawyers at the Department of Justice. Another woman said that she was a lawyer at the Federal Communications Commission for 31 years and that she also had relations with the department.

The nine people who said they had links with the department said that it would not affect their

In addition to 12 people chosen to serve on the jury, the parties chose three women and one man as substitutes.

14:02: Opening statements are about to begin

Prosecutors and defense lawyers will make opening statements in the case at 2:45 pm. Deputy Attorney Uzo Asonye, ​​a district attorney for fraud in the Eastern District of Virginia, who was brought to help the special advocate team with the prosecution, will speak to on behalf of the government. He is known to have put the Norfolk Treasurer behind bars, as well as a senior official of the General Services Administration and a former staff member of a senator

Thomas Zehnle, who worked as a tax attorney federal before entering the law of defense. , will speak for the defense of Paul Manafort. He was acquitted in 2013 for a lawyer in a tax shelter conspiracy case involving KPMG

Each statement is expected to last half an hour

13:54: A jury was selected

Just before 2 pm, prosecutors and defense lawyers finalized the 12 men and women who will serve as jurors, as well as four substitutes. The jury is composed of six men and six women. The substitutes are three women and one man.

13:50: What you need to know that the trial begins

Paul Manafort, president of the president's campaign Trump from May to August 2016, he is the first to be tried in a case handled by prosecutors working with the special lawyer Robert S. Mueller III while he is investigating the Russian interference in the Presidential election of 2016.

Manafort is accused of taking the money that he did work for a Russian-backed Ukrainian political party and hiding it in foreign bank accounts to avoid pay taxes, then turn to bank fraud when the party collapsed. played a role in the Russian interference in the 2016 elections. But many of the businessmen and politicians with whom they worked have deep ties with Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Prosecutors want to show memos, advertising campaigns, plans for political rallies and other work. that he made more than 60 million dollars on the Party of Regions and his leader, Viktor Yanukovych, between 2005 and 2014.

This ended in a wave of demonstrations against Yanukovych and his refusal of an association agreement with the European Union in favor of a closer relationship with Russia. As of 2014, Manafort lied about its income and debt for getting multi-million dollar loans, according to prosecutors, including a loan from a Chicago banker who wanted a job in the Trump campaign and administration.

There are 18 counts against Manafort, who is also facing related charges in Washington, DC His former business partner Richard Gates, accused of helping Manafort to commit fraud , pleaded guilty plans to testify for the prosecution.

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