Manny Pacquiao challenges Floyd Mayweather for a rematch


The "Fight of the Century" could have a sequel.

A little over three years since his first fight, Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao wants his return against his undefeated generic rival, Floyd Mayweather Jr. [19659003Alasuited] a KOdeLucasMatthysse (hisfirst since2009) sundayto10thweeklyprofessionalPacquiawas questionedonMayweatherandthegamegiverof19yearsdeliveringthegame

"Mayweather? If he decides to go back to boxing, then that's when we will call the shots, "he told reporters Sunday. "I have the belt, so it's up to him to decide.If he wants to get back into boxing, let's do a second one."

Mayweather is retired since that day. He defeated André Berto in September 2015. He briefly came out of retirement last summer to face UFC superstar Conor McGregor a fight that saw Mayweather win more than $ 300 million. [19659002ThelastandonlytimePacquiaoandMayweatherfoughtonMay22015inafightthatwasdubbedthe"FightoftheCentury"asthetwobestboxersoftheirgenerationwasmadetoolate-discussionsaroundthefightbeganin2009-anditendedinarelativelyboringwaywithMayweatherwinninginadecision

Despite this, however, the fight broke records for pay -per-view generated about $ 400 million in gross revenue, so the "Appetite of the fight was there at the time.

But what about now with a 39-year-old Pacquiao and Mayweather?

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