MH370 remains a mystery – Nation


PUTRAJAYA: The team charged with investigating the security aspects of MH370 concluded that they were unable to determine the actual cause of the disappearance of the aircraft but were not able to determine the cause did not exclude the possibility that "illegal interference" by a third party caused the incident.

The Security Investigation Team of the Annex 13 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which publishes its 449-page report after a waiting for four years, also dispelled fears that their conclusions would be final. Chon said that the team had analyzed the pilot and the first officer of the fateful plane MH370 on many aspects and found no anomalies.

However, evidence such as the aircraft coming back, which was done manually, no malfunction and the transponder was switched. "On the basis of all this, we dare not exclude an illegal interference," Kok said during a press briefing at the Transpor MH370, which was traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. , disappeared on March 8, 2014, with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board.

The disappearance of the aircraft was dubbed one of the largest.

The report also alleviated concerns about the pilot's possible role in the missing plane.

"We analyzed the pilot and co-pilot on many aspects, including behavioral, psychological and social aspects. There were two psychiatrists in the team and they even saw the pilot's and co-pilot's fingerprints before the flight.

"They concluded that there was no behavioral signs of social isolation, change of habits or interest, neglect Abuse captain's alcohol and flight officer, "said the report.

Kok told the media that background checks were done on the crew and passengers of MH370 and all received a "health check."

He stated that the Boeing 777 was equipped with four Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) and that the search team could not detect any signals. from the ELTs of the aircraft

"ELTs do not work if they are submerged. Kok said that there was nothing unusual about the fact that the MH370 ELTs were not working and pointed out that in 170 air incidents recorded by ICAO over the past 30 years years, only 39 cases of signals from ELT were detected.

At the antenna He stated that although the battery of the equipment expired in 2012, it could still work for a few days.

Regarding the report, Kok pointed out that his team was only responsible for conducting the security investigation while the forensic investigation, as well as the search for the missing, was conducted by others. authorities.

"This is not the last report.It would be presumptuous of us to say that the wreckage is discovered when there are no casualties.There must be a closure, "he said.

Earlier, the team held a briefing for the nearest Malaysian relatives. A similar session will be held in Beijing on August 3rd.

Kok explained that the report could not be released earlier because the search for the missing aircraft was underway.

"After the end of the tripartite search, Ocean Infinity did a search, and when it stopped in May, it gave us two months to prepare the report and it is here today. hui. "

Kok said that he did not know that relatives had received 48 hours notice to attend the briefing. as the team had no communication with them and they also did not call for a press conference as these issues were handled by different teams.

On the fate of the team, he said that with the publication of the report, its members had

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