Microsoft tests show 91% new PCs from India loaded with pirated software | tech


Over 90% of new personal computers by Microsoft from India have a high-level of pirated software, according to an analysis by the software-giant. Nine Asian countries, including India, have a high-level of pirated software loaded on personal computers.

Microsoft purchased the personal computers between May and July this year, and they tested them, which showed that more than one of them was loaded with pirate software, according to the analysis of newly acquired systems.

The tests showed that India had 90%, Taiwan 73%, Singapore 55% and the Philippines 43%. The worst were South Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand, all with 100% of the personal computers loaded with pirated software.

Out of the 166 personal computers acquired from nineteen countries, 22 were purchased from Indian, where they were loaded with experts, said Mary Jo Schrade, Assistant General Counsel and Regional Director of Digital Crimes Unit. Asia at the Microsoft in Singapore.

Said Schrade, said to be one of the users of the software, said Schrade said. Overall, the 166 personal computers acquired from Asian countries, 137 or 83% were loaded with pirated software.

In her efforts to educate people, Schrade cautioned: "Think! Free software is not really free. "Pirated software, as it is cheaper, will lead to extra time and costs.

Compromised personal computers performance Bitcoin mining among other illegal activities, said the Microsoft executive.

"Said Biplap Sikdar, Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore.

Sikdar, who analyzed the computers, also considered the time and cost of a compromised system. Sensitive information such as personal, family pictures and banking, is stolen while the system is encrypted and locked, in some cases ransom is asked for a way to unlock.

Schrade warned, "Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their techniques to evade security measures and embedding their malware into a state of the art.

"When vendors sell pirated software containing malware in their personal computers, they are not only fuzzling the spread of malware in the region but also putting their customers' personal information and digital identity at the mercy of cybercriminals," she pointed out.

First Published: Nov 03, 2018 16:18 IST

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