Ministry of Health: The "Opt Out" System Is Not An Option – Nation


PETALING JAYA: Malaysia still needs to change for the "opt out" system – according to which everyone is considered an organ donor unless they say no – because the public does not 39 is simply not ready, says the Ministry of Health. At present, the nation practices the "opt in" system, which requires informed consent before the organs of a person can be given.

"Even though the opt-out system may lead to an increase in organ donation, we still need to change" However, ongoing discussions are underway to improve the system to increase donations from donors. Organs in our country, "said the director general of the Ministry, Datuk, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah The Star

Despite a slight increase in donations from organ donors, he There has been no marked increase in organ donations after death

"One reason is the refusal of family members," said Dr. Noor Hisham. the family refusal rate was 57%, of which the Malays were more likely to do so, based on a 2017 study titled "Factors Influencing Families' Refusal for Organ Donation and Disease". fabrics in Malaysia "

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As of June 30, a total of 21,230 people were on the waiting list of an organ, most (21,212) were waiting for kidneys

. from Malais (419,946 people) promised to donate their organs after their death.

Dr. Noor Hisham acknowledged that kidney transplants are more cost-effective in the long-term compared to dialysis.

"In order to help patients awaiting transplantation, the government has allocated a substantial budget to dialysis It has added that besides cadaveric kidney transplants, kidney transplants related to life may be performed under the ministry.

On Malaysians traveling abroad for commercial transplants, he said the ministry was not encouraging the citizens. "Malaysia is a signatory to the Declaration of Istanbul 2008, which is against organ trafficking and transplant tourism, "he said.

The Bill on Transplantation of Organs and Tissues, which aims to prohibit the trade of organs, was examined by the Attorney General.

"The Malaysian Productivity Council is currently examining its socio-economic impact on Malaysia" Dr. Noor Hisham said:

The project is intended to preserve r ethical and professional practices in the transplantation of human organs and tissues, among others.

For more information on how to register as an organ donor, log on to

Related story: [19659016] Worrying lack of transplantation

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