More than 500 hikers evacuated from the Indonesian volcano


543 hikers were evacuated, only six people were saved.

Evacuation efforts were made to rescue stranded hikers. (Photo: Twitter)

MATARAM: More than 500 hikers and their guides have been successfully evacuated from an Indonesian volcano after a deadly earthquake set off landslides that trapped them on the mountain. dislodged on Mount Rinjani in the magnitude 6.4 earthquake, which struck early Sunday and was followed by many aftershocks, blocking the hiking routes that crisscross the mountain.

It was thought that 560 hikers had been stranded, including citizens from the United States, France, the Netherlands, Thailand and Germany, as well as many other countries, said: " 543 hikers were evacuated – they arrived last night, "said spokesman for the National Relief Agency, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho. AFP.

"There are now six people left … they are all healthy and safe."

Hikers could begin to descend Monday after guides discovered Most hikers reached the base of the mountain on Monday night, according to I Gusti Lanang Wiswananda, a spokesman for the research agency and Rescue of Mataram

. tired, but in good condition and checked by our medical teams on the ground on arrival, "he told AFP.

Wiswananda said that an Indonesian hiker died on the mountain and that a rescue team of 30 people escorted the other 6. Lake Segara Anak, near the summit of Rinjani

Hundreds of other hikers managed to get off the mountain on Sunday, according to

At least 16 people were killed in the earthquake in the affected areas of Lombok were destroyed, including a health clinic.

The earthquake created panic over the area. holiday island and sent locals and tourists to the outside of their homes and hotels

Some 189 foreign tourists, 173 domestic tourists and 181 porters and guides reached the base of the mountain at night last, said Sutopo

Rinjani is the Indonesia's second highest volcano and the favorite among tourists eager to enjoy its vast views.

Hiking trails on the mountain were closed following the earthquake for fear of new landslides.

The epicenter of the earthquake was located 50 km northeast of the main city of Lombok, according to the United States Geological Survey, far from the main sights of the south and west of l & # 39; island. It was followed by two strong side tremors and over 100 aftershocks.

More than 220 people were seriously injured in the quake, Sutopo said.

A Malaysian was among the dead, along with six other wounded citizens, The Foreign Ministry in Kuala Lumpur said:

A total of 5,141 people are staying in temporary shelters and need clean drinking water , according to the authorities.

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