Musa Aman released on bail (EUR 2 million) (updated) – Nation


KUALA LUMPUR: The Court of Sessions here granted the former chief minister of Sabah, Tan Sri Musa Aman (peak) deposit to RM2mil with two bonds.

Judge Rozina Ayob also ordered Musa to hand over her civil and diplomatic passports.

He was authorized to pay RM 1 million on Monday, November 5, and the balance of $ 1 million to be paid on Wednesday, November 6.

Judge Rozina also ordered Musa to remain in the peninsula until the total amount was settled.

She also fixed the case for December 13th.

The senior prosecutor, Datuk Seri Gopal, Sri Ram, had previously stated that the prosecution had no objection to the release of bail to Musa.

He asked that the bond be set at 5 million rupees in two bonds and Musa to hand over all his passports.

Musa's chief counsel, Amer Hamzah Arshad, has called for a reduction of bail, noting that the bail amount should not be punitive.

He stated that his client cooperated fully with the authorities and had returned from London where he was seeking treatment despite the advice of his doctor not to do so.

Musa then paid the entire security of 2 million rupees around 4.30 pm.

Bitter confirmed that the lenders were able to recover the full amount at the last minute.

Musa said that he did not know if the charges against him were politically motivated, claiming that he had been laundered before Parliament 10 to 14 years ago by the minister responsible.

"Why come back now? (Sic) And this was also approved by the minister responsible at the time, in Parliament, (Datuk Seri) Nazri Aziz, "said Musa.

Musa did not specify any charges or cases that were reported against him again.

He left the courthouse shortly after posting a bond in a secret place.

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