Musa Aman's son to be disqualified from Parliament


Elected deputies who were absent during the swearing-in ceremony last Monday are at risk of disqualification, Minister of State Liew Vui Keong (19659002) said today. disqualified within six months from July 16 they do not take the oath provided for by Article 59 of the Federal Constitution, "he said in a statement issued today. [19659002] He said this about the MP Sipitang Yamani Hafez Musa However, regarding the Minister of the Interior Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also the MP for Pagoh, Liew said that he had received a notice stating that Muhyiddin was currently on medical leave for a month, and the Dewan. "With regard to Sipitang, we did not receive any cover letter explaining why he could not come on Monday for the Swearing in, "he said.

] Last Monday, 220 of the 222 deputies were sworn into the Dewan Rakyat at the first sitting of the first meeting of the first session of the 14th legislature. [19659002] The two deputies absent were Muhyiddin and Yamani Hafez [1 9659002] – Bernama

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