Najib birthday boy celebrates with parents, supporters


The former prime minister turns 65 on July 23.

A cake-shaped golf bag with a figurine resembling Najib Razak, at the birthday party of the former prime minister tonight.

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Prime Minister Najib Razak celebrated his 65th birthday today with a group of friends and supporters, more than two months after a fall in power, police raids and accusations criminal.

Najib, who turns 65 on Monday, welcomed a hundred relatives, friends and home supporters to Jalan Langgak Duta here, scene of high profile police raids that led to the seizure of money and money. luxury items.

"You attended the ceremony not because I am in government but because you believe in me," he said in his speech.

There were five different birthday cakes for him. One of them has a figurine of the former chef on a cake looking like a golf bag.

Najib Razak speaks to guests at his birthday party.

Also present was his mother Rahah Mohammad Noah, as well as the family members of the victims of the MH17 flight of Malaysia Airlines that was shot down four years ago killing the 298 people on board.

In his speech, he briefly outlined his efforts to ensure the release of the bodies of 43 Malaysians who died in the tragedy. Rebel leaders in Ukraine, after completing the crash site

"I played my role as a government leader," he said.

Earlier, guests held thanksgiving prayers in the section surau of the bungalow. 19659004] In thanking, Najib said that the birthday function was made possible thanks to the contribution of his guests.

"I appreciate this gesture, to celebrate this special occasion by using your own money to participate and contribute to this function". .

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