Najib to Pakatan: Your incompetence is not my fault


The former prime minister says that "Semua salah Najib" is due to end, and highlights the failure of the appointment of the president of Dewan Rakyat in 14 days as an example of incompetence to the PH.

Najib Razak. (AFP Photo)

GEORGE TOWN: Former Prime Minister Najib Razak called on all leaders of Pakatan Harapan (PH) to stop blaming him for their faults and clearly incompetence in the management of the government and the non-respect of the "rule of law" He said that one of these incompetences was the inability of the PH government to formally appoint a speaker to Dewan Rakyat, which was supposed to be done 14 days before the House meets.

Monday, Minister of Human Resources, Mr. Kulasegaran, stated that PH's critics sought to draw attention to what he called "Najib's political oppression"

. Pakatan Harapan sincerely worried about how the government was headed and did nothing to draw attention to his transplant trial.

Najib said that it was so typical of the PH government to pass The previous government of Barisan Nasional has not kept its election promises.

"I am no longer Prime Minister or member of the current administration, so why am I blamed for the question of the appointment of

" The excuse of "semua salah Najib &" # 39; seems to be a standard operating procedure of PH. This must end. Or will it continue for the next five years?

"This kind of apology is not just for people, in addition to those who are hoping for a better new government.Or people would continue to be in the chains of 'harapan & # 39; "He said in a statement posted on Facebook today.

Hindraf supports former judges as speaker Dewan Rakyat

Now, it is ex-judges Ariff or Hishamudin for speaker post

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