Najib's toxic policy mark makes a comeback in Sg Kandis


MP SPEAKS | The Sungai Kandis by-election next Saturday will be a crucial test of whether former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has managed to equate Islam with kleptocracy in Malaysia.

It will also be a crucial test to know if Najib is irresponsible, vicious and toxic The politics of race, religion, fear, hate and lies, which failed to get the expected impact during the 14th general election, still has influence in Malaysian politics

. to demonize DAP and Pakatan Harapan to incite fear and hatred based on false news, lies and false information.

He sold the line that if Umno were defeated, the Malays in Malaysia would perish as DAP, allegedly anti-Malay and anti-Islam, would dominate the Pakatan Harapan government with me as prime minister.

Umno lost its undisputed position as a political party with the majority support of Malay voters in GE14 because there were enough Malay votes. Those who were smart enough and sophisticated enough to see through the propaganda of such propaganda rejected Najib's vicious and poisonous policy

They did not want, in particular, to equate the Malays and Islam with the kleptocracy

. the politics of race, religion, hatred, fear and lies returned to Sungai Kandis Umung's partial election campaign

With the support of PAS, led by President Abdul Hadi Awang, the theme of the campaign lies that the Malays and Islam are dangerously threatened under the new Pakatan Harapan government after the GE14.

Will Sungai Kandis's byelection voters succumb to the false Umno / PAS propaganda that Malays and Islam are dangerously threatened by the Harapan government, and deceived believing that the vicious and toxic politics equating the future of Malays and Islam with the kleptocracy of Najib?

Najib had sung praises for the Umno by-election candidate, bu It is significant that in his first speech as opposition MP last Thursday, Najib n & # He did not dangerously threaten the Malays and Islam – this should be Najib's guiding principle – he actually believed that was the case of the Harapan government.

This incident more than any other highlights not only Najib's political dishonesty and opportunism, but also the Umno / PAS campaign in the Sungai Kandis by-elections that claim that the Malays and the US have not been able to do so. Islam are in danger under Harapan. MCA and MIC support this theme of the mixed Umno / PAS election campaign?

That is why I am asking for the third time to the national leaders of the MCA and the MIC to declare that they want the Umno candidate to win or lose to Sungai Kandis.

LIM KIT SIANG is the deputy of Iskandar Puteri

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