PUTRAJAYA (July 20): To facilitate the possession and financing of a home, a new national housing policy will be unveiled in December.
To ensure that the new policy is able to solve the problems of home ownership, Bank Negara Malaysia and the Employee Provident Fund as well as representatives of banks and associates insisted on this policy. NST .
"I am optimistic that under the new government, politics will change and that it will be easier to own and finance a home."
"Our goal is to see house prices fall and make them more affordable" she told the NST after visiting Pudina 1Malaysia's housing program in Presint 17. [19659002] Zuraida added that in an effort to rationalize all government housing projects, she would soon submit a proposal to Cabinet.
Last month, it was reported that a proposal to place all housing agencies under the umbrella of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government would be presented to Cabinet in July.
After approval, the status of all housing agencies will be studied and streamlined with the formation of the National Affordable Housing Council, as stated in Pakatan Harapan's manifesto.
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