North Korea dismantles a rocket test site while Trump rages on reports that he hates the lack of progress – RT World News


New satellite images have shown a partial dismantling of the satellite launch facility of North Korea. It comes as US media reported that Donald Trump was unhappy with the progress of the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Images from the Sohae satellite launch station, broadcast by monitoring group 38 North on Monday, showed that Pyongyang apparently began dismantling the scene. Satellite snapshots dated July 20 describe the presence of a crane and vehicles performing deconstruction work on a building used to assemble spacecraft launch vehicles, including a rail-mounted transfer structure. Other satellite images from the Sohae station show the dismantling of a nearby rocket engine test bench used by Pyongyang to operate liquid fuel engines for ballistic missiles and space launchers [19659003]. On #DPRK began dismantling key facilities, including the rail-mounted processing building and rocket engine test bench nearby.https: //

– 38 North (@ 38NorthNK) July 23, 2018

"Given that these facilities would have played an important role in the development of technologies for the Northern Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Program, these efforts represent a significant of significant confidence on the part of North Korea., " the monitoring group said in its report.

North Korea insists that its space exploration program is purely civilian, but many of the necessary technologies for p The lace of a satellite in orbit is similar to those needed to deliver an ogive nuclear power to another continent. Many observers claim that the space launch site is part of Pyongyang infrastructure for the development of the ICBM, which has been a breakthrough last year.

Commenting on this report, a senior South Korean official said the actions of Pyongyang Effect on denuclearization. "

" It's a better sign that nothing, and I believe (the North) move step by step toward denuclearization " Nam Gwan-pyo, a senior director of Presidential National Security Bureau said, as quoted by the Yonhap News Agency.

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New images appeared a few hours after Donald Trump refuted what he called "fake reports" claiming he was somehow frustrated by the Lack of progress of the North Korean denuclearization agreed at the Singapore Summi Last month

"A rocket was not launched by North Korea in 9 months. Similarly, no nuclear tests. Japan is happy, all of Asia is happy. But the Fake News says, without ever asking me (still anonymous sources), that I'm angry because it's not going fast enough. False, very happy! " Trump tweeted Monday morning.

Over the weekend, a number of US media reported that less than six weeks after the meeting between Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore, the US president was more and more impatient for the pace of talks on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Based on the report published in the Washington Post, the US media noted that Trump was asking for daily updates on the state of negotiations, supposedly criticizing the lack of dismantling of a missile test center by the North that the US chief hoped to be destroyed.

The summit of June 12 produced little specific commitments on paper, but it is assumed Trump, meanwhile, shortly after the meeting, interrupted some of the joint exercises that the United States is holding with South Korea , and even before the face-to-face with Trump, Kim announced that he was sh shut down some of his country's key facilities related to nuclear research and rocketry.

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