Now, is it Harapan 's turn to skip school in Parliament?


YOURSAY | "Any other meeting should not be contradictory and should take place outside the opening hours of Parliament."

Empty seats invite "where are the ministers"

KKKSSS : There is no reason for ministers to be absent.

Please treat the sittings of Parliament as your highest priority because it is here that the votes of the rakyat are presented by the deputies.

Any other meeting should not be outside the hours of Parliament. We do not want full participation only when bills need to be passed.

Anonymous_1529020255: I believe that there must have been more pressing issues that need their attention, otherwise it is unlikely that ministers and deputies would not be there, d & # 39; as much as it is the first parliamentary season for them as a government.

FlabberPro: I agree with BN that Harapan's ministers and deputy ministers should not follow in the footsteps of the previous government.

I remember that Subang MP, Wong Chen, said in one of his election speeches that BN deputies were barely found in their seats during the sessions of Parliament. Well, today 's absenteeism says a lot

Anonymous: This is a very fair question. Just as I do not like the ways of opposition leader Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, his position, his speech and the House deserve to be respected.

It's no longer enough that commentators simply insult Umno. The latter could not have found fault if Harapan had been where they should have been.

Harapan must understand the need to show the example, including good manners.

It is good to see the member for Rembau Khairy Jamaluddin bring a solution. , once again

M Manoharan: Legislators who are missing are sad indeed. Sittings of Parliament are extremely important as laws are made here

Why not hold weekly cabinet meetings from Wednesday to Friday when Parliament is not sitting?

Hcleong : We support Harapan but we do not do it I want them to behave like the previous government, absent from the august House.

You are the "wakil rakyat" (representatives of the people). Watching the rows of empty benches is very discouraging.

Khairy is becoming more reasonable now, please follow his advice. Do not hold meetings such as cabinet meetings concurrently.

Homesick: Why are we so quick to convict without knowing the full facts?

For example, this picture is only half-truth. Where is the other half of the picture showing the opposition bench?

Lovemalaysia2: The BN government was particularly bad – not only was the prime minister of the time, Najib Razak, rarely attending the meetings, the ministers were frequently "overseas" during the sittings of Parliament.

I think that it is legitimate to expect full participation, especially since Wednesday was the first day of actual affairs in our new Parliament

That being said, Attendance at Westminster is never complete except a division when deputies return to the House

RR: Harapan should have known that this issue of absenteeism would be raised, and however, he held a cabinet meeting on Wednesday and was hammered by BN

. Khairy, for giving a reasonable solution. Parliamentary sessions should be considered supreme. More absent, please

Anonymous 621101460964937: Ah, the pleasures of being the opposition. Good job, BN. You win your guard at least this time

Nga: Ministers, deputies absent from Parliament inappropriate

MapleSyrup: Yes, Minister or not, all deputies must attend Parliament

They must be reminded that they are elected as members of parliament and must represent their constituents to give them the floor

Do not behave like BN deputies in this "Malaysia Baru" (New Malaysia).

Anonymous 8231440077354: This is the problem with Harapan's chief whip

He or she must ensure the presence of deputies and ministers in the Dewan Rakyat. Instead, Vice President Nga Kor Ming must point out

It is sad for democracy that MPs forget their role of rakyat's voice and ears in Dewan Rakyat

HangTuahPJ: Nga, can we have annual newsletter on attendance? It should be made public so that we know who to vote for in the next general election.

What is the point of electing them when they do not represent our interests in Parliament?

P Dev Anand Pillai: But n & # 39; Was not it the same during BN's reign? Is not it the same person in charge of the country now as from 1981 to 2003? So, what's new?

I am sure that the ministers had a reason to be absent. If ministers can not be present, make sure ministry staff members are well equipped to answer opposition questions.

If that can not be done, then let's not waste time with the parliament. Maybe we can turn this nation into feudal fiefdoms that can then decide what's best for themselves!

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