Pak to deploy 7.6 lakh security agents, 1.6 million election officials for general elections


Pakistan will deploy 1.6 million election officials and nearly 7.5 security personnel, including soldiers, for the July 25 general election, announced today the electorate of the country. country. Working on Election Day, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) announced that two Pakistani army members would be stationed inside the polling station while two others would be posted outside. .

The election is taking place in the midst of a series of terrorist attacks across the country, during which more than 150 people, including two politicians, were killed Friday in the restive provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan

. Election staff will work on July 25th.

449,465 police will be deployed on the day of the election, of which 202,100 will be stationed in Punjab and Islamabad while 100,500 police will be stationed in Sindh.

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa According to the Express Tribune, 87,269 police will serve [19659003] 300,071 military will be deployed across the country.

According to the electoral lists published by the ECP, 105.96 million voters will be able to vote in the upcoming elections,

59.22 million of them are men and 46, 73 million are women, the Dawn newspaper reported.

According to the figures, 55.9% of registered voters in Pakistan The figures are about 23% higher than those of the 2013 elections, while the total number of voters rose to 86.19 million, according to the report

. There will be 85,307 bureau presidents in each polling station with 510,356 assistant presidents and 255,178 scrutineers.

In Punjab and Islamabad, there will be 48,610 presidents with 281,062 deputy presidents and 140,534 election officials on duty.

In Sindh, there will be 17,747 sitting presidents while there will be 122,204 deputy presidents and 61,102 service officers on duty.

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the tribal areas will have 14,530 presidents, while there will be 83,692 assistant presidents. officers and 41,846 electoral agents.

Baluchistan will have 4 420 officers in office who will be assisted by 23 398 deputy presidents. s and 11,699 election officers

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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