Pakatan Harapan called to review the status of BTN: Lim Kit Siang


PETALING JAYA : The Pakatan Harapan (PH) Presidential Council is invited to reconsider the issue involving the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) or the National Bureau of Citizenship, said veteran DAP and MP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang

In a statement today, Lim opined that the notice was in view of Pakatan's promise to abandon the controversial government agency following reports that the BTN would be retained.

"The only reason for retaining BTN is if there is a total change in its purpose and operations, for example by inciting hatred and mistrust between races and religions, initiating a change total of its program and its objectives to promote national unity and interreligious and interreligious understanding, goodwill and harmony.Will BTN, if it is retained, will abandon the doctrine of & # 39; "Ketuanan Melayu" and will replace it with a doctrine of "Ketuanan Rakyat Malaysia", he asked.

He told BTN, which was originally intended to promote national civic awareness. The usurpation in a plural society has degenerated over time into a propaganda structure that has brainwashed officials and young people by defending the Umno-BN regime.

"Will there be a total change in the purpose and character of BTN?

Lim also criticized the MCA for publishing a statement criticizing PH, arguing that the government had decided to maintain the BTN against the manifesto they had adopted during the GE14 campaign

" The head of the MCA is right: BTN is in violation of Promise 28 of the Pakatan Harapan manifesto which states that the BTN will be dissolved as it has done over the years "cheap political agent" for Umno.

"However, MCA leaders should not shed crocodile tears" Let Malaysians know if and when MCA ministers or MCA deputy ministers have already criticized BTN for its past abuses and excesses, and If they can not do it, they should not try to criticize the BTN. His response came after BTN would have figured among the 26 government departments and agencies that would continue to be placed under the leadership of the Prime Minister ina proposal to streamline government entities.

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