Penang DAP Representative Gets More Cooling Death Notes, But Says No To Be Bullied By Facebook Threats | Malaysia


  Syerleena believes that these are posted by supporters of Pakatan Harapan's political opponents. - Screenshot of the Facebook screen
Syerleena thinks that these are posted by supporters of Pakatan Harapan's political opponents. – Screen capture of Facebook

GEORGE TOWN, July 15 – Despite the increase in savagery and the number of people shouting for his blood on social networks, the MP for Seri Delima, Syerleena Abdul Rashid, refuses to succumb to fear

. Facebook by someone with the handle online JA Gmum, with the title "Darahnya halal tidak berdosa dia dibunuh, Dia Pengkhianat Islam" (her blood is halal, it's not a sin to kill her, she is a traitor of Islam) began to spread 13 July.

There was a comment by a user with the name Khairul Annuar Ismail who said "benar … dan sungguh benar … aku dah eve dah..hanya tunggu semboyan berbunyi jer … berbunyi i aku ONlah. "

[Translation: “true, and very true…I am on standby…just waiting for the siren to sound…once it rings, it’s on.]

Syerleena said that she noticed that the poster was broadcast and shared on social media this morning.

The post was a threat placed on an old defamatory poster with her photo that said that she had said that she was going to attack the Institution of Islam especially Jakim for DAP.

"This poster, which was not true and defamatory, was broadcast and shared several times and now it has resurfaced," she said.

She said that it made no sense to attack the Islamic institution as claimed in the post. She believed the new threat that "her blood was halal to be killed" was made after filing a police report on a death threat received last week.

She also believed that they were posted by supporters of Pakatan Harapan's political opponents

"If anyone is unhappy with me, he can come to me and I am open to criticism, that's what we call mature politics, when will they stop spreading lies and threatening me? ", she asked.

  A post on Facebook by someone with the pseudonym JA Gmum began to spread from July 13th. JA Gmum began to spread from July 13th. - Screenshot of the Facebook screen
A post on Facebook by someone with the JA Gmum handle began to spread from July 13th. – Screenshot of Facebook screen

She said that she will not be scared by such threats, although she will be more cautious. 19659006] "I will continue to serve the people, such threats never stopped me but actually gave me the strength to continue serving as an assembly."

Syerleena a filed another police report against Facebook threats today.

She hoped the Malaysian police and communications and the Multimedia Commission will investigate and take action against the people behind them

Last week, Syerleena received a handwritten note with the words "maut menanti kamu" (death you wait) at his service center at Island Glades here.

At the same time, the poster with her photo claiming that she would attack the Islamic Institution for DAP resurfaced and was shared on social networks then.

She had previously filed numerous reports against the same poster shared several times since last year.

She had again filed police reports on the death threat as well as on the poster last week.

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