Politicking race, religion will hold the country


Former Minister Rafidah Aziz warned that politicizing race and religion would stop the country's progress.

At a business forum in Singapore, he was asked what would prevent Malaysia from realizing its full potential. things that should not be politicized, because that will cause a lot of divisions, frictions and worries.

"For example, politicizing education, politicizing race – there really is no place for it Politicizing religion … not the slightest place.

" So we should be blind to race, religion and gender, and continue to govern. Governing does not understand all these other factors, "she said in the Singapore News Portal Today Online

The Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) has recently resurfaced in the media after Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki objected to the way Pakatan Harapan hears honor his election promise to recognize him for entry into public tertiary institutions.Non-Muslims at positions key legal arguments in the country, claiming that it provoked "agitation" among Muslims, and wondered whether these people would be able to defend Islam in legal matters.

The Islamist party comments on appointments of Tommy Thomas as Attorney General, Chief Justice Richard Malanjum as Chief Justice, and Batu Sapi MP for Warisan, Liew Vui Keong, as de facto Minister of Law.

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Rafidah exchanged concerns over Malaysia-Singapore relations under Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

asked him his opinion on the current state of bilateral affairs following Mahathir's recent remarks on the high-speed train Kuala Lumpur " ridiculous " low price Malaysia sells from the 39 In Singapore, she said media reports of such remarks should be taken lightly.

"Relations are built over several decades, just a bad interaction does not reflect the kind of relationship we have built over the years."

"What you read in the media is not necessarily what is happening. "

" I must be the most naughty person Singapore said previously that she had not received the official position of Putrajaya on the RSS, to which Mahathir has retorted that the "island state" should know what it is about (In response to the Prime Minister's intention to raise water prices, Singapore has pointed out that the 1945 Water Agreement which states that water must be sold at 3 sen per 1000 gallons, must honored

Rafidah is a a close ally of Mahathir and retired from politics to support Harapan in the 14th general election.

She had been part of Mahathir's Cabinet as International Trade and Minister of Industry for most of her first term as Prime Minister

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