Pompeo announces $ 113 million of new US initiatives in "Indo-Pacific"


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Monday, from President Donald Trump's "Indo-Pacific" strategy, $ 113 million in regional investment in technology , energy and infrastructure.

FILE PHOTO: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at a press conference at the Ministerial Conference for the Promotion of Religious Freedom at the State Department in Washington, DC, USA, 26 July 2018. REUTERS / Alex Wroblewski

when trade frictions with China gave American commercial diplomacy a greater advantage.

A senior US official said the investments were not aimed at countering China's Belt and Road Initiative, which consists mainly of state-led infrastructure projects linking Asia, parts of Africa and Europe.

"These funds represent just a down payment on a new era in the US economic commitment to peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region," Pompeo said during a speech to the United States Chamber of Commerce.

He said that he would visit Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia this week, where he would also announce a new security aide in the region.

Pompeo said that the United States "will oppose any country" that seeks to dominate the region in what appeared to be a reference to Beijing in the context of heightened tensions in the South China Sea.

"Like many of our Asian allies and friends, our country fought for its own independence from an empire that was waiting with deference," said Pompeo. "We never have and will never seek dominance in the Indo-Pacific, and we will oppose any country that does," he added.

The countries of the region are worried about Trump's "America first" policy, the withdrawal of the TPP's trade agreement and the continuation of the 39, a trade conflict with China that threatens to disrupt regional supply chains.

The United States first presented its strategy for developing the Indo-Pacific economy at an Asia-Pacific summit last year.

"Indo-Pacific" became known in diplomatic circles as a shortcut for a broader and democracy-driven region in place of "Asia-Pacific", which from some perspectives had too authoritarian China too firmly in its center .

Among the new investments announced by Pompeo, the United States will invest $ 25 million to develop US technology exports to the region, adding nearly $ 50 million this year to help countries produce and store their energy resources and create a new support network. stimulate the development of the infrastructure. CHINA'S WAY, USA

S Addressing reporters before the speech, Brian Hook, Pompeo's senior policy advisor, said that the United States is not competing with any other initiatives. infrastructure mainly run by the state.

"This is a made-in-China initiative, made-in-China," Hook told reporters during a conference call. "Our way of doing things is to keep the role of the government very modest and to help companies do what they do best."

Critics of the Belt and Road Initiative Beijing, which aims to recreate the old silk road more about the spread of Chinese influence and the clash of countries on massive debts. Beijing says it's just a development project that no matter which country is invited to join.

Hook said Washington "hailed" China's contributions to regional development, but said it wants China to adhere to international standards for transparency, the rule of law and sustainable financing .

"We know that America's economic engagement model is the healthiest for the nations of the region.It is of high quality, it is transparent and financially viable "said Hook.

Report by Marius Zaharia in Hong Kong, Lesley Wroughton and Daphne Psaledakis in Washington; Edited by Simon Cameron-Moore and Jonathan Oatis

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