pore health database of 1.5 m, including PM, stolen


A major cyber attack on Singapore's public health database stole personal information from about 1.5 million people, including Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the government said on Friday.

The attack, which the government has called "personal data" that the country has known, comes as the highly wired and digitized state has made cyber security a top priority for the Asean bloc and for it.

Singapore is the ten-year-old presidency of the Southeast Nations' Association "Investigations conducted by the Singapore Cyber ​​Security Agency (CSA) and the Integrated System of the United States." Health information (IHiS) confirmed that it was a deliberate, targeted and well planned cyber attack, "said a statement from the government. (19659002)" It was not the job casual hackers or criminal gangs, "said the joint statement from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Communications and Information. According to the release, patients who visited clinics between May 2015 and July 2004 had access to their personal data n medical and have been copied, according to the release.

"The attackers have specifically targeted Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's personal information." An investigation commission will be created and immediate steps will be taken to strengthen the government's systems against cyber attacks, "said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Communications in a separate statement.

Lee, in a post on Facebook as a result of the announcement, said that the violation of his personal medical data was not incidental and that he was not in the same position. He did not know what information the attackers were hoping to find.

"My medication data is not something I would usually say to people, but there is nothing about it. alarming ", he said 9002] – Reuters

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