Qualcomm has recently announced yet another new model under its Snapdragon 600 mobile platform series in the form of Snapdragon 675. For those who are not familiar with Qualcomm Snapdragon family, the Snapdragon 600 series is mainly designed for the mid-range market which naturally made it quite popular among manufacturers.
Based on the information released by Qualcomm, it is interesting that the company is pitching the new Snapdragon 675 chip to the gaming segment. Equipped with the Kryo 460 CPU which features 2 performance and 6 efficiency cores, it can run at a speed of up to 2.0GHz and offers 20% overall performance over its predecessor.
Together with the help of Adreno 612 GPU, the 11nm-based Snapdragon 675 apparently able to eliminate stutter by up to 90%. Other than that, the chip is also equipped with Spectra 250L ISP that supports up to six different cameras with single 25MP or dual 16MP sensors. The ISP is also designed to deliver bokeh, 5x optical zoom, 4K30fps video capture, and HD480fps slow-mo video capture.
Of course, the Snapdragon 675 has also been infused with artificial intelligence through the implementation of AI Engine within the chip which combined the power of its CPU, GPU, and Hexagon 685 DSP to provide up to 50% improvements in AI-based applications. It also able to deliver up to 600MBps of peak download speed via Snapdragon X12 LTE modem.
Not to forget, the Snapdragon 675 also supports aptX audio playback and Quick Charge 4+ technology. The new chip is now readily available for manufacturers to implement on their products and consumers can expect to see such devices in the market in early 2019.
(Source: Qualcomm – 1, 2, 3)
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