Quality Control Agent Jailed for Having Items Related to IS – Nation


KUALA LUMPUR: A factory quality control officer was sentenced to three years in prison by the High Court for possessing objects related to the Islamic State terrorist group (IS).

Judge Mohd Sofian Abd Razak's sentence after Mohd Fairul Azhar Jaafar, 34, pleaded guilty to the charge.

The court ordered the sentence from the date of arrest, which was May 25 last year.

Mohd Sofian advised the accused to repent not to repeat his mistake.

"Your action is always an offense even if you keep the items in private.This is because the government has classified the offenses related to the IS serious crimes."

" I'm afraid that if the authorities do not catch you, you could become a sympathizer and probably take part in terrorist activities.

] "I hope you will be a responsible person towards your family, your society and your country after finishing your sentence," he told AFP yesterday.

According to the indictment, the accused had objects related to the IS. in front of the ICHOR System Malaysia Sdn Bhd Human Resources Office in Shah Alam at 1:15 pm on May 25

He was charged under Section 130JB (1) (a) of the Criminal Code which provides for a maximum of seven years of imprisonment. or else, and the object can be confiscated.

Earlier, lawyer Mohd Hezri Shaharil, who represented the accused, asked the court to issue a lenient sentence on the grounds that Mohd Fairul was remorseful of his action

DPP Noor. Syazwani Mohamad Sobry, however, According to the statement of facts, the accused has uploaded documents and videos on his mobile phone from a chain of telegrams "Risalah Mujahid" before transferring all documents, videos and audio files on his USB key. 19659013] [ad_2]
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