Rafizi will run for vice president of PKR | Malaysia


  Rafizi will face the veteran politician Datuk Seri Azmin Ali if he defends the vice-presidency. Rafizi will face the veteran politician Datuk Seri Azmin Ali if he defends the presidency. - Photo by Mukhriz Hazim
Rafizi will face the veteran politician Datuk Seri Azmin Ali if he defends the vice-presidency. KUALA LUMPUR, July 26 – Rafizi Ramli said today that he will run for the post of vice-president of PKR in the next party elections.

Rafizi, currently vice-president of PKR, will face an experienced politician Datuk Seri Azmin Ali if he defends the presidency.

"Yes, confirm that I will run," said Rafizi Malay Mail .

"After many consultations with other local leaders and activists, I agree that there is a reasonable demand that national leaders provide leadership choices to grassroots members. 19659005] "Having a democratic competition is good and can strengthen the party," he added.

Rafizi was unveiled in 2011 the public funds intended for a government-run cattle project, the National Feedlot Center (NFC), reportedly diverted to luxury condominiums.

Former Pandan MP did not participate in the 14th general election because he was convi He was sentenced to a imprisonment of 30 months, but the Court of Sessions granted a stay of execution of the appeal pending the end of bankruptcy of the Law on Banks and Financial Institutions (Bafia

Azmin, who is Minister of Economic Affairs, did not still confirmed when he would defend the deputy presidency.

The de facto PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced that he will officially run for president, currently owned by his wife and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri, Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail

The Nominations for PKR elections are scheduled for August 5th.

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