Razman Roslan: Selangor FA lacked experience but has a winning potential


Finally, Selangor's lack of experience and quality led to their defeat at the last hurdle, when they were defeated by Pahang in the FA Cup final.

BY ZULHILMI ZAINAL Subscribe on Twitter

Finally, the lack of experience and quality of Selangor led to their defeat at the last hurdle, when they were beaten by Pahang 2-0 in FA Cup

Playing without injured Brazilian central defender Willian Pacheco at Bukit Jalil National Stadium, the Red Giants conceded for the first time in the 23rd minute, a first strike from Azih Azih, before Patrick Cruz widens this difference in the experience was admitted by head coach Nazliazmi Nasir, who said at the press conference of after-game that Pahang has caused trouble to his relatively young. At the beginning of the match, he played four players aged 21 and under, and the match was their first Senior Senior Cup final.

"My boys made a number of mista kes in the first period, while the Pahang attackers were very dangerous and effective in the last third, our young players like Kugan [Dhevarajan] and Amirul [Ashraf Ariffin] also had a start.

"Rufino (striker Rufino Segovia) did not get the support he needed from the midfield, and when he had chances, Pahang's defenders were ready to stop it.

"We tried to play, but the defenders of Pahang Bunyamin [Umar] Faisal Rosli and Muslim [Ahmad] are experienced and know how to avoid this.The few times that it worked, we did not have enough of transition and the chances of begging were great

"They usually have seasoned players who are used to playing in the final and take advantage of our inexperience," says the boss of Selangor.

But despite the defeat, he is confident that the Red Giants can win a title in the years to come, when the young team will mature.

"I predict that (young) players like Amirul, Kugan and Syahmi (Safari) echo central defender Razman Roslan, who started in the match in place of Pacheco, his first start for Selangor since April 21.

"Young boys are definitely doomed to defeat, but perhaps only for tonight, it's understandable because it's their first senior level cup final."

"They still have a long way to go in the next two or three years, Selangor will be a side with some league equipment.At that time, they will have enough experience to play in the big matches like tonight's match, "said the 33-year-old defender.

The Red Giants have to recover, because they have six Super League games to play before the end of July, they are currently in seventh place, and this Wednesday they play Kelantan placed last

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